Buy it brand new shipped to your door only $432.85 or buy it used for $50$45 OBO and I’ll bring it to the next DRC meeting.
BTW Dr. Foster and Smith sell them for $238 + shipping.
Bio balls and sponge no included. I can probably find some bio-balls for you at no extra charge, but I would not recommend using them. Make me an offer.
I’m looking to buy a sump for my 75 gallon tank. Is this sump adequate for this size tank. I guess I would need to buy an overflow box and a pump. Anything else?
yes it will work for a 75 gallon but it depends on how much you are trying to place in sump…like a skimmer? may need to be a skimmer with a real small footprint. i would spend the money on a goods overflow. i like the tom surface skimmer overflow box, but you can use any overflow. just make sure return pump will handle the rating of the overflow…most are rated for up too 600 gallons per hour. i would also purchase a aqua lifter for my U tube for priming air out.
To be honset there is not much room in this. I personally use a 36" Oceanic sump on my 75g tank. I believe it is model 2. I did have to modify my stand and put it in before the tank was on the stand. I am not sure it would be considered possible to fit this under the tank if it is already up and running.
The larger the better is the case 99% of the time, but most of us run into $ limitation and even more so space limitations. It can be difficult to fit a large sump under a tank and even more so get it under the tank if the tank already has water in it.
That being said you can weigh the options of a $400 new sump that is ideal(likely + shipping or more at an LFS) vs a used sump which will work for $45. I personally think the movement, mixing, and aeration of the water is extremely beneficial alone and have run several sumps with practically nothing in them, but additional water. I often recommend placing some additional live rock(LR) in the sump as well and using it as a sort of dark refugium.
Thanks. I’ll think about it and ask around. I need to put a skimmer in it. I really am not good at this. I’ve done fish for many years, but am a novice as far as sumps go. I’ll also need help setting it up. I’ll let you know when I know what I’m doing.