FS: But who is brave enough to buy?

I think it is typically a horrible idea to post a For Sale before you even frag something, but I have a good reason this time. You never know how well fragging will go, exactly what size pieces you’ll get and the animals shouldn’t be chopped up and out the door the next day. Corals should be allowed to recover for weeks before being sold and preferably grown out longer. I want to put out feelers and give people time to rethink and be sure they really want to buy. So before I separate the colony and then give the animals a couple of weeks to recover… please post if you are interested.

Reason why you want to seriously consider this coral… Take a look at this thread here and read up on the coral a bit. Always wise to know an animal before you purchase and this particular one will really bite you in the butt if you don’t.

I will probably only sell 1-2 frag and they will be ~3/4 of an inch. I’ll post the price(dirt cheap, I mean REAL cheap) when the frags are healed and ready to go.

so the galaxea is the future for sale item?
