Description says it all. Im selling my calcium reactor with everything included. I know Andy, Criag, and Ian recently have all expressed interest in getting a reactor so they will have first dibs in that order. Here is what everthing would cost in a package deal.
Ill sell it to an ACTIVE DRC member for 1/2 off the package price. This seems cheap to me, but if anyone things im off base with my pricing let me know.
FYI I might also be selling my sulfer Nitrate reactor. So if anyone plans on buying one, it might be worth waiting a few weeks to see if i sell mine.
I’m going to forfeit my place in line. Thank you for thinking of us though. A calcium reactor will be in my long term plans - at least gonna have to hold off until Lynn gets back to work.
Since i really dont need the money, im going to hang on to it for a few weeks to see if i can hook a clubbie up cheap. If not, ill throw it to the wolves on RC!