FS Complete GEO Calcium Reactor Setup with tank, regulator, and PH controller

Description says it all. Im selling my calcium reactor with everything included. I know Andy, Criag, and Ian recently have all expressed interest in getting a reactor so they will have first dibs in that order. Here is what everthing would cost in a package deal.

Ill sell it to an ACTIVE DRC member for 1/2 off the package price. This seems cheap to me, but if anyone things im off base with my pricing let me know.

FYI I might also be selling my sulfer Nitrate reactor. So if anyone plans on buying one, it might be worth waiting a few weeks to see if i sell mine.

ok i got to ask waz up shawn? why you selling? making new plans,. going different route? enquiring minds need too know

I’m going to forfeit my place in line. Thank you for thinking of us though. A calcium reactor will be in my long term plans - at least gonna have to hold off until Lynn gets back to work.

I’d like one of course…but I don’t think it’s in my budget right now.

Since i really dont need the money, im going to hang on to it for a few weeks to see if i can hook a clubbie up cheap. If not, ill throw it to the wolves on RC!

unbelivealbe deal!