Up for sale/trade GSP, one has a purple base when the polyps are retracted(the one of the right) the other has a tan base(front left), either one $12. And the green Ricordea polyp I’ll let go for $9.
hey dude, ill take a purple mat gsp (12$) and the ric (9$)
Nice pics. You keep your frag tanks bright and clean! and pesty free!!
Hee! Hee!!
When are the pretty monti caps in the back going up for sale?
Are you kidding me??? I have some of the ugliest monti caps in the world in my tank! I’ll post some pics in a minute. The coral in the bottom left of the first pic between the two GSP… the one that looks like a dog with diarrhea took a crap on a frag plug. Yeah that is ORA purple monti cap.
Compare this image of ORA Purple cap in the systems at LiveAquaria:
To this image of ORA Purple cap in my tank: (bottom left)
Pretty purple vs ugly dog sh!t brown, lol. I think it was due to my chemistry being off. I started to see a little change when I started doing water changes last month, but mostly increased growth and polyp extension.(A little darking in color, but not much) Bulb change didn’t seen to make a difference either. Changed another bulb today and working on getting my chemistry stable, we shall see.