This is a pretty fast growing softy. I received a frag from KaptKen who originally purchased a small frag from ECA for $20.
Price $13
As far as for trade I am really only looking for some super rare stuff. I would prefer $, but if you have any of the below I will trade and possibly even add some $ to make it an even trade if needed.
ORA Red Planet Table Acro
ORA Joe the coral
Green Monti Cap
Super man Monti
Super girl Monti
Darth Maul Zoanthids
Purple Hornet Zoanthids
perhaps some others… let me know what you have
I should have another frag ready next month, so if you miss out on this one just let me know and I’ll let you know when more is ready.
Those purple hornets are a joke! Who in their right mind would pay hundreds of dollars for one polyp? Dont get me wrong, they are awesome, but so are a million other LE zoos that you can get for $5/polyp.
Not to mention the fact that they appear to be photoshopped in almost every pic I have seen. Has anyone seen one of these under actinics? Somehow in the actinic pictures they have the exact same glow as green, but they are yellow in normal light?
Those look pretty different to me Icy, so I know they are not the same. I’d like some just the same though as they are pretty nice looking, but not worth the shipping unless I could find them local.
As far as the photoshopping of the purple hornets I know a guy who has seen the mother colony in person. He said they look exactly like that in person, but commented that the polyps were pretty small. He was supposed to give his friend my e-mail addy so I could get in contact with him directly, but no luck yet.
Yup he is a transhipper in San Fran and friends with a wholesaler who is the rep for Premium. Guy has a 300-250g display tank at home with an Achilles tank. So jealous! BTW he is also a huge proponent of something called quarantining.
I’ll take some of the Anthelia. I could trade some pink and green zoas or xenia. I could also frag my pink millie and my ora green birdnest. Just let me know what you are interested in.
No way you’ll be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow night? I was trying to get another frag to attach, but my clean up crew keeps moving my rubble rock away from the mother colony and it isn’t attaching. I’ll have to check of my last attempt was successful. I would be interested in any of them above.
I also have some tiny pieces of ORAs Hyacinth Birdnest(broke off during shipping) which are currently in one of my qt tanks which I am waiting from them to attach. Perhaps we could trade a tiny piece of Hyacinth birdnest for a tiny piece of green of equal size? I believe they retail for the same price. Prefer attached or lose?
[quote=“Gordonious, post:18, topic:960”]
No way you’ll be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow night? I was trying to get another frag to attach, but my clean up crew keeps moving my rubble rock away from the mother colony and it isn’t attaching. I’ll have to check of my last attempt was successful. I would be interested in any of them above.
I also have some tiny pieces of ORAs Hyacinth Birdnest(broke off during shipping) which are currently in one of my qt tanks which I am waiting from them to attach. Perhaps we could trade a tiny piece of Hyacinth birdnest for a tiny piece of green of equal size? I believe they retail for the same price. Prefer attached or lose? [/quote]
Yeah I will be there. I can cut you a piece of the green and some of the pink millie. I would love the piece of the hy. Loose is good so that I can just glue it to my rock. Is it okay if I leave your frags loose?
Yeah, lose is best for me when it comes to SPS frags. The piece of Hyacinth Birdnest I would be able to bring would be 3-4cm long and unmounted. Tiny little bit.