FS or trade MH Coralife aqualight

I have a MH light fixture FS or trade. I have recently upgraded and would like to sell. I have had it for about 8 months but not sure about the previous owner. While I was using the light I saw good coral growth, So im not to sure if the bulbs need replacing or not. Make an offer or i can do trades: RODI unit, return pump, protein skimmer, LPS, or SPS will all do. Thanks

What length is it and what bulb wattage(s) is it? Example: mine is a 48" long 2-96w square pin power compact and 2-150w HQI.
I have seen these as small as 24"

Hey scottman good to hear from you again! Its a 36 inch model. Dimensions: 36" X 15" X 2.75" One 150 watt 10K HQI metal halide lamp. Two 65 watt 03 Actinic compact fluorescent lamps. Two Blue Moon Glow LEDs, Remote ballasts