I have an opportunity to get 2 used vortech MP40 WEs for a great price, both units are in great shape and work well, problem is I already have 1 and only need 1, and the seller only will sell them as a pair. So I can buy them both and pass on some savings to someone interested, I need to know really soon if someone is interested since I dont want to tie up the cash for too long, I told the seller that I would let him know today, if interested let me know. $300.00 OBO. Let me know.
Where are you located? How long was the MP40 used for? Is it an ES (I think thats the new one lol)
I am located in 19803, I dont know exactly how long they were used. They are the newest version. Which is either ES or WES, dont think there is a difference.
One more question. Does it come with the controller?
Sure does, they are complete units.
SOLD* We are in Newark. Can pick it up tomorrow if you are around, if not Monday or Tuesday. Let me know
Great, thank you. I sent you a PM.
Bump, still available! $300 obo, need it gone, i bought more in anticipation of selling the one i had.