Galaxea Horrescens Questions

Hey guys,
I recently became the owner of what seems to be a fairly uncommon coral the Galexea Horrescens. I can’t find much info about this coral at all aside from the long feeder/sweeper tentacles that must be worked around. … I could use some knowledge dropped on my head here, lol.

Any help would be great, thanks guys! DelReef rocks.


Here’s a rough picture of it:

Here’s some reading on them.

[quote=“reefman66, post:2, topic:5055”]
Here’s some reading on them.[/quote]

Those were the two sites that I saw, its just so limited and vague. If anyone has anything further to add, please do!

Thanks again guys,

BTW, what do you think of this piece guys?

So far I’ve learned it likes light and water… its also a stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder.