Gauging Interest, 210g FOWLR

I am considering getting rid of my aggressive setup for many reasons that aren’t in my control, so without delaying the inevitable, I am gathering interest if I can move it out quickly or not. Here’s the stock list

3ft Brazilian Dragon Moray Eel $150
6" Queen angel $150
6" French angel $125
6" Passer angel $125
7" Klunziner wrasse $100
7" Sohal tang $100
6" blochii tang $75
6" Redsea salfin tang $50
6" Purple tang w/hlle $50
4" clown trigger $50
3 damsels (3stripe, blue devil, tomato clown)
also have about 200lbs of liverock, $500

I might get rid of the whole system too, 7x2x2 210g tank, custom stand and trim ring/canopy, have 4x39w T5s over it, have 2 lights, only use one, modded octo NW 200 skimmer, oceanrunner3500 return, 2 x K4s, 4 x 3200gph powerheads, heater, plumbing everything, I can make a deal with someone if they want it all.

Here is a video of everyone (more pics/vids upon request, or just stalk my photobucket)

Considering trades for a nano (RSM etc) plus cash, but cash would be best.

***If someone were to buy all my livestock at my asking price (total everything up) which is $1,500 I would throw in the 210g tank stand/trim for FREE!!! Yes FREE! This doesn’t include lights, pumps, skimmers etc, so all livestock, liverock and tank/stand for $1500! I would like to keep the tank though, but for a deal, I can get another when I am able to. ***

For now, I’d like to see if someone would take it all, I have until Jan to get rid of atleast just the livestock, so I am in no rush. I will be more interested in entertaining offers for bulk buys (everything, all the fish, or all the liverock etc etc). Thank you.

RC link to sale thread:

your RC thread got shut down by a mod FYI

[quote=“ds4x4, post:2, topic:2080”]
your RC thread got shut down by a mod FYI[/quote]

lmao, wow RC sucks

Yeah I know, I b&tched out that mod, prolly get banned, mods suck on RC, it’s just that there’s more people and lots of knowledge, just wish it wasn’t run by childish morons who think they have power over everyone.

Well, the childish moe-rons don’t have power over everyone. just the ones that post on their rc foe-rums. Hey, are you moving again? you know the things beyond your control? Graduation? Congrats!

Those are some nice big fish. Is the live rock reef suitable? you know , never subjected to any non reef friendly Nurse Ratched type heavy metal medications? Got coraline?

Jeff are u kidding? all that nice livestock up for grabs?
check your pm

Ken, yeah its just annoying over there sometimes. But I got my career job finally and just won’t have the time to upkeep two big tanks. I will be moving in Jan, not far, but still, moving over 500g worth of tanks is just too much. Also I will be going away for weeks at a time for training next year, so I need to really simplfy and downsize my system. I am leaning towards a small nano reef for now until I can buy a house.
All the rock is 100% ok for a reef, never used any copper etc. I did dose the tank with prazipro but that is completely safe. There isn’t much coraline algae, some of the rocks have/had corals, my angels have eaten most. I run 4x39w T5s over the tank but I don’t dose anything. If I am really downsizing everything, I will have about 400lbs of liverock that will be up for grabs, half coraline covered, the other more base.

Ron, checking PMs now.

Ha, looks like I got banned from RC. Nice, gotta love the moderators on that site, real winners. Oh well, the 210g is definitely up for sale now, parting out, whatever, I just want it all gone, spread the word.

Just to let everyone know, I am parting out my 210g now, fish first, then rock, then maybe the tank and equipment (might hang on to it). I put up an add on craigslist as well, but prefer to sell to DRC members and will give a discount!

Also, I will be parting out my 120g reef in the near future! Once the 210g is broken down, the 120g will go as well! I will be keeping a small nano and will frag my reef to stock it, everything else will be up for grabs.

Let me know if you are gonna sell the 210 set-up. I might have some interest in the tank/stand

I’ve already gotten a lot of interest in it, I will definitely sell it for the right price, but not give it away. I could easily store it and set it back up again, but more then likely I will just let it go. I have to sell the livestock and rock first. As soon as that is gone, atleast the fish, the tank will be good to go. Let me know, thanks.

Just an update, the queen is gone, salfin pending. I might be able to keep my 120g as my FO tank, frag my reef into my new 24g aquapod. I’d only keep the eel, French, trigger and blochii, my brother would probably get the passer and purple tang back. That still leaves the sohal and wrasse. I also will be selling some corals and live rock. This is all to come in the near future, I’m
extremely busy and need to figure out what I can do. Thanks everyone.

If you are willing, Once you start selling some of the coraline encrusted rock I’d love about 20lbs for a tank ill be setting up in the next month or so if you could possibly PM me :slight_smile: Let me know if that would work for you!

Thank you!

i was just in your neighborhood today jeff, did a driveway at the entrance… i was gonna stop in and see the tanks lol… figured you were working or something…

gl selling your things

Jared, I will let you know about the rock. I honestly don’t know when I will be getting rid of what. I have until Jan to decide, maybe even later. I don’t want to get rid of stuff I don’t have to and end up buying it back later on. We’ll see how things go.

Tim, yeah I was working, been really busy with the new job! The tanks I don’t think look too much different from when you saw them, maybe more algae on the glass since I am not around at all anymore! How is the 75 going?

Just an update, the salfin tang is sold. I have the sohal and wrasse a I NEED to get rid of. If any interest, let me know, but you need a 6ft tank with them. I might have to let go of my purple tang (HLLE) and the passer angel, possibly. Really need to move the sohal and wrasse out though.

Price drop
wrasse $60
sohal $90

75 is doing great! just put up new pics on my thread the other day.

you could in a jam always donate or ask to donate them to ECA’s 1300 gallon DT, its taking a hit but think of the fish!


I don’t know if they would take them or not. Would they give me any store credit? I am seeing if THR will trade them in, apparently that is where my queen ended up. Good to see the 75 doing great!

Well The Hidden Reef has about 5 huge signs when you walk in the door saying they will no longer take ANY trade ins or even donations… wouldn’t hurt to call, but I wouldn’t push to hard if they say no.

I haven’t been there in forever but it’s weird that the guy I sold my queen to said he traded him in there. Unless he’s lying, I don’t know.