Gauging interest

I have a friend who is considering selling off his Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Elite w/ NET. He has many additional add ons I am not sure if he’ll sell it as one big package or just sell what comes with the Elite and the other parts separately.

If he were to sell the DA ReefKeeper Elite w/NET (and all the parts typically included with this package for $500) for $340 would there be any interest?

Anyone looking to add more outlets/temp probes/pH or ORP probes/float sensors to their current reefkeeper?

I would love to get it, but it will be a few months before my fish budget would have the money to get it. :-("

I have a RKL brand new in the box I would love to add to (or trade plus cash for the elite). I’d definitely be interested in PC4, pH probes, salinity, NET, float sensors, SL2 (no real use for ORP). So yes, definitely interested, pending prices/trade.

Any updates? I am about to order an ALC for my LEDs this week. Once I start ordering add ons, there’s no turning back.

I have to talk to my friend this afternoon. I’ll let you know.

Sounds good, thanks Jon.