Tank is a 75 acrylic RR
Stand and Canopy are oak/stainless steel combo
30x12x16 ecosystems refugium w/ 18watt pc light
mag 9.5 returm pump
octopus 150 2009 style recirc skimmer
2 koralia #1s
1 Koralia #2
1 modded mj 1200
via aqua media reactor
reef fanatic ph meter
box of goodies(test kits alk/no3/calc/mag/po4 are all salifter and have more of api kits), foods, brand new BRS 2 part, 3/4 full dts 2 part, a few frag plugs, scalpel, supplements, nori, phosban, kalkwasser, selcon, garlic guard, seachem ph buffer, alk and calc supplement and more
will sell all this for 900
no parting out yet.
livestock must go first
livestock is 15+sps frags, various acros, red planet, rose millie, purple polyp birdnest, rainbow monti etc…
pink w/ teal center acan hillae
40+pink rainbow acan that is very stressed, was attacked by CBB 2 mo ago and is still recovering.
huge maze brain 5x5(under estimate)
various shrooms, zoos, xenia, gsp
250 for coral
3 dispar anthias
1 misbar clown
1 picasso clown
orange should tang
scopas tang
Copper banded butterfly
100 for fish
60+ lbs of premium fiji lr.
150 for liverock
also i have
2 wetdrys for 40 bucks ea
1 overflow box for 30 bucks
1 150 hqi e ballast catalina for 50
2x250 magnetic ballast custom sea life for 50
1 custom sea life pendant mogul base w/ 2x32 actinics for 50
1 custom sea life 1x175 ballast magnetic for 40
will sell all seperate shipping availible
whats the deal? one minute your posting an LFS review, the next your getting out? i hope things are ok.
if you part out, im interested in the 3 X dispar, picasso, and sps frags.
Jon - if it doesnt work out ive got a red planet frag thats growing like a weed and a “rose milli” that is pretty much identical to the “strawberry kiwi” and “rainbow milli”. Im pretty sure all three are sold interchangeabley since the frags look so different than a grown out colony.
coral i will part out on. ill post prices for individuals later. it will total much more than the 250 for all tho. like the pink hillae wil be 100 and hte maze will be around 75. i have a frag of the maze tho. most sps corals will be from 10-20. ill give the pink rainbow to whoever wants to try it out.<- $400+ coral. i also have a blue tipped tenius that i just got, that started to rtn but stopped quickley that i will give to whoever wants it that buys too.
well alot of bills are falling behind, and im the only one that can work in my family with 2 youngins.
ill sell the dispar anthias for 30. one isnt looking too good today. i may keep my picasso thoi have a ap for my clown pair.
priority will be given to full lot tho.
jon red planet will be 10 bucks nd same with rainbow monti.
uploading pics, heres a price list tho
purple polyp birdnest 20
pink pocci 20
valida?? 10
red table 10
purple polyp table 10
tenius free w/ purchase
rainbow monti 10
confusia 25
green humius 15
pink millie 20
purple digi 20
acan frag small red center/white edge got from bz 30
hillae 100
green/orange lobo 70
xenia 5+stalks w/ lots of babies/green hairy mushroom rock 40
maze brain big 5x5 75
maze brain frag 1x1 10
multi ric rock 2 polyps orange/ 5 mouth green 45
button polyp/greens 20+buttons and about 10 green centers 20
zoostricolor orange center 5x3 rock lots 50 zoos
zooseagle eyes 5? poylp frag10
zoosglitters 5 polyp frag have a pink glittery center15
zoosgreen orange eyes 5+ frag 10
zoosgreen yellow eye 5 + frag10
zoosblueberries 5x3 rock lots of poyps25
red mushroom w/ green striped 10
multi blue mushroom 20
single blue shrooms 5
gsp 10
briarerum 20
single green candy cane 10
other shrooms 5 ea, rock for 15
pink center lobo 30
leather 5
yellow polyps 20
also have a big anthelia rock w some green hairys for 20
and a smaller anthelia w blue mushrooms for 15
anyone want pics of a certain one lemme know. i dont have a good macro camera
jon ill have the pics for u tommorow. yes that was anthelia. it was touching stuff so ii put itreally high in my tank for a few weeks and got REAAAALY stubby under the higher light. its starting to come back.
btw that light in pic is not included in the setup
well much to my suprise and probably to you guys dismay i will be keeping my setup. if nobody believes in god, please do. Today i played a 10 dollar scratch off for its and giggles. well i won 7500 to say the least :D. this should keep bill colectors off my ass