Going away. HELP!!

Ok so here’s the deal. I’ve been picked as the lucky winner to work abroad for a month with my company. And by abroad, I mean an area of the world with limited communication. Great for the extra money, HORRIBLE for the fish tank. Last time I left someone to care for my tank for a period longer than two weeks, I came back to find my tank looked like a scene from saving private ryan. particularly the beach drop scene. I still have nightmares. Anyway, my tank is finally looking AMAZING…well to me anyway. As compared to most others in this club, its mildly pleasing to the eye and mediocre at best. However, I’m still proud and I want it to stay that way. I don’t want anything to die this time, so here’s what I’ve decided. I have two roommates that I’ve instructed on basic care aka water changes, top offs, feeding, etc. What I want is to hire someone to come in and check on the tank once a week and just make sure everything is doing ok. I’ll be heartbroken if I lose my coral after how crazy well they’ve been doing as of late. If it were fish only, I’d just find someone to babysit, but with the corals I have it would definitely be difficult.

My question is…Does anyone know of a reputable company that handles this kind of thing? I’m pretty sure a member of this club actually does it, but I don’t know who. Also, I live IN smelladelphia…filthydelphia…phildelphia sorry. typos. So that’s to be considered as well. I was hoping to have several weeks notice as to when I’d be leaving. I’m leaving Saturday AM. Found out yesterday. Sweet. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

If you or someone you know does this kinda work, PM me ASAP and we can talk. HELP KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE!!!

PM sent with name of good person

Good call to have someone who knows their stuff keep an eye on things. I lost 5 corals in just 2 weeks even though they said everything was doing great when I called to ask about the tank. The nightmares, and it could have been so much worse…

I might consider having someone professionally come in when I am on my 2 week road trip in July.