got a derasa

3" and lively. it has turned itself 45 degrees in a few hours. i moved my gold maxima twice before it was fully attached to the rock under it, it fell, and soon i saw a crab on it and it didn’t live. this one is moving on its own, and i won’t touch it. pic is from yesterday.

right now it’s open a bit wider

Ooo very pretty, where from?

liveaquaria owed me a free shipping, so i got this one from there, ian.

Nice clam Paul. I am wanting a derasa and a squamosa.


looks larger and sweeter now!

liveaquaria good? Ive been thinking or ordering from them…

On a better note, damnnnn your clammy looks nice!!!

So interesting to see people’s stuff

liveaquaria are real standup people!! problems are a refund, w/ no pictures necessary. most items have a14 or 30 day guarantee. if a shipment loses a few things, they’ll usually refund/credit shipping too inaddition to cruitter price. however, divers den is the only place there that is wysiwyg, so be careful. clam/fish prices seem to be in line w/other places, but some corals are $$$.
and thanks for the clam compliment.

So…new pics of the clam? lol

here ya go ian. he has moved, turning completely around and lying down a bit, and grown!

pic no workie

jeez are u picky!!
pic when i first gottit. flashed

and now! no flash

there’s quite a color difference, but my camera is weird sometimes.

sweet! i wanna get one some day, i hear they are really hard to care for though…true/false?

from my reading, they are the least demanding in terms of lights, but grow the fastest. i have t5 ho and the tank is 30" tall; he’s on the bottom sand bed. low-mid flow.

[quote=“matchu627, post:13, topic:1724”]
sweet! i wanna get one some day, i hear they are really hard to care for though…true/false?[/quote]

True! You have to put them in your tank…and umm…well…yea thats about it. Honestly no or false, I don’t find them hard to care for at ALL, as long as your chemistry is on par (ca, alk, mag, sg, ph) and you have sufficient lighting for them. You also need to make sure you tank inhabitants are clam friendly. I’ve only kept maxima clams so that is all my experience is regarding but it is pretty much the same for all clams. It is usually recommended you wait until your tank has hit 6 months before adding a clam to allow your tank to establish and settle itself.

Seen it in person and looks better then the pic GolfC

[quote=“billrob71, post:16, topic:1724”]
Seen it in person and looks better then the pic GolfC[/quote]
thanks bill. he now has a new scute, nice and white under the mantle, so he IS growing.