Got Macros?

anyone out there got macro algaes they would like to sell me/get rid of?? right now i have a small portion of halimeda, some type of caulerpa (its not grape of the other popular stuff), and some chaeto…

i would really like some red grape…im still doing research and dont know a lot of the plants by name…

also when it comes to order plants online, does anyone see or have any experience with them shipping poorly?

anyone have any good sites to order from?

now mangroves…i want to grow two in the corners, and im going to try to hang my light to compensate for them (one of my ideas)…has anyone had success growing them?? im thinking of floating half the seed in the water using styrofoam, and leaving the other half exposed…

i really dont want to hang the light if i dont have too, any other ideas? could i just use simple clip on lights for this tank like most people do for their fuges?

also what methods are there for pruning them back when growth is too much??

thanks in advance…


this is the caulerpa i have, if anyone wants some let me know, it grows awesome for me…im my fuge and DT.

I’ll root around my fuge. i think i can bring some shoots of two more types for you.