i got an acro from premium and its not doing so hot. at this time its sitting in a speciman containor awating als arrival. if al cant take care of it is there anyone here who can. i live in newark. it looks perfectly fine on one side and on the other there is a white blotch. im open to anything and the sooner its gone the better. thanks brett
Brett give me a call tomorrow morning if you still want someone to take it off your hands. I can’t do anything tonight. PMing you my cell number.
Do you know what your CA, MG, and Alk is?
ok good news charlie and tom looked at it and said it probably isnt rnd. all together it looks pretty good except in 1 or 2 spots. it may have shawoded by itself because thats all i can come up with.
Keep an eye on things. Did you ever find that digital camera? If you take pictures you can look back in a month or so and see if it has started to grow back or if you worried that it is getting worse, but can’t tell you can look back and see.
I keep just about every picture I take of my reef tanks unless it is completely out of focus. If I’m trying to shoot a fish and I only caught the tail of it, I keep the pic and if I see a spot on the tail of my fish and wonder if it was their before I can look back. If I didn’t focus in on the right part of a coral and the picture just looks awful I don’t delete it and then I can look back and see when new growth formed. If you get good at taking pictures you can see things on you’re computer screen blown up that you can’t really see with the naked eye or just might not notice.