Green stick growing in tank???

Ok so I’ve got this green stick looking thing growing in my tank on the live rock. Not sure what it is or if I should try to get it out or not. Here are some pics, any help would be awesome.

Looks like macro algae starting - Neomeris annulata to be exact.

A great place to identify the weird stuff we find in our tanks is

This is what yours looks like to me

Thank you soo much, thats exactly what it looks like. I didn’t even know where to begin on searching for what it was, thats what makes this club so awesome ;D

I’ve never had them last long, I think they are super cool, though. It seems as though yours is about full grown.

they come and go off live rock, for a while. no harm, decorative, and do consume some nitrates. thats the correct name for them . Ive had them from time to time. nice… like green pipe cleaners. they can slowly grow into a small patch.

Haha ok, I’ll leave it be then, I’ve never had them in my smaller tanks.

They look really cool.