I added a small frag of Green Star Polyp to an unpopulated section of my tank, hoping it would spread up the back. I added it about 1 1/2 monthh ago. It has been thriving and spreading slowly, up until about 3 days ago. It has suddenly retreated, and hasn’t come out since. My other corals are doing fine, parameters haven’t changed (test for Ca, Mg, dKh, Amm, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Salinity) . . . the only thing I can’t/didn’t test for was phosphates and Strotnium. Lighting schedule hasn’t changed, and I haven’t added any livestock to the tank in 2-3 weeks.
Also, I have a pulsing xenia that has closed up about 2 days before this happened.
I added a reactor with phosguard last night, and they’re still closed up as of this morning.
I suspect that one of my critters is bugging it. I have a coral beauty and a sleeper goby that are possible culprits, but that’s just guessing.
Oh mighty forum, in your infinite experience and wisdom, do you have any suggestions as to what can be happening?
My tank has been running for 6 months, parameters are as follows:
2 ATI Aquablue +
1 ATI Actinic
1 14,000K
15G sump w/:
Mini-G skimmer
500gph pump
3 1/2 gal refugium w/ cheato
29gal tank w/:
1 - 240 gph powerhead
35lbs live rock
2 in sand bed
Pulsing xenia, GSP, 3 colonies of zoas, Candy Cane Caulestrea, Clove polyps, 2 purple tip anenome, 2 head hammer, 2 maxi-mini carpet anenomes, torch
More snails/crabs than I can count, 2 emerald crabs, 2 pepperment shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp
1 sleeper gobie, coral beauty, yellow clown gobie, 2 percula clowns
pH: 8.0
sal: ~ 1.024 Swing arm, average of 3 measurements, all around 1.024 w/ no big deviation
temp: 81 F
dKh: 8
Ca: ~ 440
Mg: 1350
Amm, Nitrate/ite: 0
Reef crystals salt mix
I get my RODI from DPA, and have yet to have a problem with their water.
Your help will be greatly appreciated!