Guess what i'm eating???

Soon as the lights came on today in the frag tank i saw the scavenger doing his job ::thumbsup::

It’s like CSI … are the clues are right in front of you :stuck_out_tongue:


Not the clam. :-("

That’s nice of you to feed him so well.

did he ate that clam? did the clam die before he took the meat?

hmmm Shrimp for after dinner snack?

Reminds me of the time I drove from Lewes, DE to the retail store up by the Christian mall and dropped something like $60 on two cleaner shrimp. After many hours of research, several hours of driving, and an hour of drip acclimation… one of the two landed on a brittle sea stars arm. Tried to pull it away, but was doing more harm then good. :frowning: Man it can be torture to watch something like that.

Feel your pain.

I’d also guess the clam died then it ate the remains.

Clean-Up! Sand Bar Three!!

Yup, it finally got the goods from my last maxima. Its been dead a couple of days… or at least close to it, it died a slow death for a clam. Its been looking bad for months, and really bad for a week. Other ones i’ve had would just go after a day or two at best of looking bad.
I’ve got one of every other clam except gigas all doing fine, but the maximas just don’t seem to like my tank.

i have 1 big maxi left out of 7 over the course of 3 years. tim is losing another. the one he won never made it, BTW. these just do NOT do well. whether it’s from dr mac, ebay, or elsewhere online. does anyone have 5" maximas for a year and still doing well? croceas thrive, derasas grow, hippos stay the same, small maxis it’s either way, but those beauties that start out at 4-5" seem to either die real quick or torture us by taking months to kick off.

Dang that stinks,
but… i guess at least there is a lesson in there for me… as the wife keeps yammering about clams, i guess i will stay away from these guys… maybe try the crocea in a few months.

I have a mix of crocea, derasa and maxima’s so far all doing well but what I have noticed is the the gold maxima grows faster then the purple. I got my 2 maxima’s from the dpa ora group buy. The purple is only maybe a little bigger then when I got it and the gold max I think has nearly doubled in size. I thought I almost lost the purple max when it magically got a hole in it. It has healed since then I think a hermit crab might have poked it while walking across it or something of the sort. Do you have problems with all the maxima’s or just the bright colored ones?

Seems like my duller colored maxis def lasted longer, but never had growth like you’re talking about. Maybe mine would have done better if they were under something stronger then t5’s, never know, but i’m pretty sure i’ll stay away from maxis now. Its a shame, they’re beauties. My deresa grows like a madman, and my hippo and crocea seem to just maintain, and the squammy grows slowly… I’m still leary, but hopeful about the crocea. It looks awesome, my best colored clam… phsychadelic tye=dyed mix of blues, but they’re the most light dependant according to google thats why i’m still concerned. I’ve had it since summer, doing great… only time will tell.

I’m sure somebody will have contrary information, but from what I’ve read… and out of Dr. Mac’s own mouth to me at the last meeting is that Maximas don’t survive under anything less than MH lighting.

[quote=“TimH07, post:14, topic:5154”]
I’m sure somebody will have contrary information, but from what I’ve read… and out of Dr. Mac’s own mouth to me at the last meeting is that Maximas don’t survive under anything less than MH lighting. [/quote]

I heard him say that as well. Though he did say he had a client that has some under LEDs.(which often produce more PAR the MH) They like it bright, really bright. (stating this as an outside and from what I’ve heard, I am no clam collector or expert when it comes to clams)

I posted an article a while back that talked about lighting for Clams and one of the things that most likely gets over looked is that it said that as they get older, bigger they require more light, it also stated the Deep purple Maxima’s required the most light and even more so for larger ones, so you could have enough to support a small one perfect and then as it gets older and your lights age you start falling behind.
Maxima’s also like there foot in a rock so it may be worth it to try to get them to adhere to a smaller rock that you can move up the rock work as it gets bigger.

Did it mention croceas lighting needs compared to maxis?

Sucks John
Sorry to hear

Paul I had a couple of Dr Macs clams that lasted little more then a year until that flat worm swarm. All the clams I have now are doing great including the 2 small ORA maxis and I always seem to struggle with the small ones. Im going to try Dr macs one more time gonna pick up 2 in the future soon as the funds and time open in order to get down there . If they don't make it I'm done with the big ones.