Half and half

Anyone ever have a zoanthid or protopalythoa that was half one color and half another color?

Check this one out. I suspect when using the same razor blade or scalpel a bit of the genetic material from one mixed with the other.

We also have another one that is mostly green with a pizza slice of purple, but the purple isn’t very bold.

Never saw that B4, it will be interesting to see what colors are on the new growth

Great minds think alike. I fed it tonight.

That would be cool if you have a colony of them being a half and half.

Jon, do you think there is a possibility that it will duplicate the morph or just be one color on the new growth.

I think the odds are it won’t pass on a 50/50 split, but possibly a 25% then 12% then close to solid again. This is a guess though. May have full normal colors with the next polyp.

I’ll be sure to post when there is another polyp.

I have read about this recently some people cut 2 zoanthids right down the middle and put them as close to each other as possible and hope they fuse together creating a morph. Some came up with nice colors and some died. There is a technical name for this

I was looking for a link to what I’ve read (garf’s maybe) couldnt find it… It was saying that color morphs with zoos can happen when they’re close in a territorial dispute type growing situation… nothing about cutting/splicing… anyway, their morphs would eventually change back… Its interesting though, i guess those diff color colonies inside them are fighting for dominance?

JustSumGuy if they took the name for this practice from horticulture then they likely called it grafting. I suspect an unintentional graft of sorts was created when fragging this protopalythoa. Few of my nuclear green colonies and purple deaths colonies are near each other and I have not had any growing on the same rock, plug, or whatever for several years now.

Looks as if we may get to find out sooner then expected. There is a small polyp starting to grow along side the large one half and half.

It would probably start growing a bit faster if I could get the light fixture back on top of the tank, but I’ve been too sick with the flu to work on anything the last couple of days.