Hang on protein skimmer

If you’ve seen my two previous posts you would know they we started following a stores advice (not knowing we should be doing our own research) and ended up with a mediocre tank set up. We have a marine land pro series bio wheel power filter emperor 400 (hang on filter) for our 75 gallon tank, and didn’t even know sumps existed (and still don’t know much about them). We are doing a fish only tank and are still waiting for our cycling process to finish. We are in no hurry for this because due to some many road blocks (a death in the family, all 3 of us getting the flu, and my son breaking his leg) our fish tank savings is decreasing (plus we still need to buy our own test kits and a gravel vac). Thankfully tax season is here! Well, enough rambling… so because we have a hang on filter we need a hang on protein skimmer as well. I am looking on amazon.com for some and found a few hang on filters and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with them or suggestions for a hang on protien skimmer. Here are the links of the ones I found:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again for your help!

Leave out the REMORA…I dont think you would be doing too bad with any of the other 3…all decent HOB skimmers…Super reef octopus has a couple new heavy duty HOB skimmers out recently…one is a “cone” HOB design…might wanna give them a look also…