Happy Hannukkah!

Happy Hannukkah! I’m a little late, but with an 8 day holiday you get some wiggle room :slight_smile:

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Happy Hannukkah! To you too icecool2.

Happy Hanukkah!



Santa stood ready, Reindeer, dedicated to go.
On … Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, , ,
Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen…
Each with candles ready for ignition.

And late to the show,
Along comes Rudolph,
With his candle Aglow!

With a nod from Santa
He sets to his task.
Lighting eight reindeer candles,
From first, to last.

With a flurry of sand, they set sail, and go.
Nine candles blazing, lighting the way.
To brighten the world, as clear as day.

And now I know
Why nine Reindeer tow,
Santa’s sleigh,
Through the drifting Reef Snow.


Nice :slight_smile:

Happy Hannukkah! I figured out how to Orthodox Santa a little for the occasion. I hope that’s ok?

I thought it was very nice