Something must have happened with that patent. A work around or the company that owns it is actually willing to work with other companies now. I dunno, but LEDs are being released. I’ll try to post images of marinelands new fixture.
Bills system is one NICE tank, looks 1000% better in person.
nice car too >LOL< :BEER
[quote=“TimH07, post:22, topic:2649”]
Bills system is one NICE tank, looks 1000% better in person.
nice car too >LOL< :BEER[/quote]
Thanks Tim… it was nice to have you over and thanks again for helping me move the 125 upstairs.
no problem!
Igot a tang you can have for you tank free its a sail fin tang about 8 inches
[quote=“jjhanson, post:25, topic:2649”]
Igot a tang you can have for you tank free its a sail fin tang about 8 inches[/quote]
Thanks for the offer but I don’t know… I’m about to get rid of a Purple tang that’s in time out in the refug since he is too aggressive. Looking to get a Kole tang if that happens.
This tank was supposed to have only aggressive fish but my Tusk is soooooo mellow and docile that now I really don’t want to add any aggressive fish. The 8 or so 3.5" Chromis are super passive and my 3" Emperor angel and
3" Lemonpeel Hybrid angel are also pretty mellow. Don’t want to disrupt the tank…
did you harpoon that messed up chromis yet? ;D
[quote=“TimH07, post:27, topic:2649”]
did you harpoon that messed up chromis yet? ;D[/quote]
Not yet and he is looking worse, his mouth looks terrible, I think he will perish soon but I’ve said that before and he is still here. At least he is not showing signs of getting sick.
just tell your daughter to get in there and catch it LOL. (KIDDING)
i had Anna dunk her arm in the tank to feel the shrimp climb her arm the other day and she squealed and freaked out LOL.
no harm done of course but it was funny! :BEER