Hello Delaware reef club

Hi John,
Looking to frag that guy in January :wink:

Hey Mike, have you ever given thought to making reservation system kind of like reeffarmers?

so now i see what all the fuss is about, took a trip up today…you guys have some awesome corals!!!

i almost cried at first because someone working said the only person who can sell the corals, Mike, is off on Mondays, then Mike ended up coming in and helping my friends and I on his day off since he was near…I was stoked.

The selection and variety of frags and corals was very nice…i mustve made about 5 rounds at each tank, and i kept spotting different things…and the prices were awesome!

Thanks for having the chat with us!

finally got to see a palythoa grandis is person, awesome piece…and the monster hammer and clam are rediculous…

easy to get to, even easier to find once you’ve been there once…you guys were right on with the driving time…took roughly 40-45 mins…

if you want to buy corals, this is the place to go.

Ill have to see what all the hype is about, so he has to be there to buy them… what time are you there? lol

his day off is mondays…other than that i believe your fine.

Guys … thanks for coming out yesterday. Glad you enjoyed your visit. Hope to have more tempting goodies soon. Yep… I am here every day open to close except Monday. Thanks again.

Best regards,