hello everyone

hello everyone my name is nathan i work at dpa part time and i have 4 freshwater tanks and i am begining my first saltwater tank which will be a reef YahoO

Good luck with your new reef tank and ask as many questions you need for help. Everyone here is more than willing to be helpful. And there is a meeting coming up in a few weeks, hope you can join us. PBJ! GolfC <

o i will ask alot hope no one will mind and idk about the meeting because if its on monday i cant make it :frowning:

Ask all the questions you want. No one here minds answering them.

Meetings are a great place to pick up valuable informaiton, contacts, frags, and equipment. This month we are rraffling off a brand new RODI unit from Air Water Ice.

Just tell Charlie you need the night off and he has to find someone NOT in the club to work. ;D

Welcome Nathan ;D

lol i cant do that to charlie and thanks bill PBJ!

[quote=“Snook11, post:6, topic:3730”]
lol i cant do that to charlie and thanks bill PBJ![/quote]

Sure you can - that’s what he’s got Sarah for. He’ll understand Saint:)

pat said the same thing to me tonight lol

Welcome to the deep blue side Nathan. Now you are sure to go broke.

Nate’s Here! :Welcome)

yes finally here BoNg PBJ! and idk bout going broke but it might be in my future:)

Hey Nate. Glad your ready to get a serious aquarium and not just those kids toys they call fresh water tanks.

What size will the tank be? When do you plan to get water and rock in it? Any idea what your first animal will be? I’d recommend zoanthids.

come on you know i dont play around :slight_smile: this is tank number 5 verdict_in the rock and water but i might get the light sunday :slight_smile: i want to get everything set before the water gets added and everything started idk what my first animal will be, im just playing it by year i cant wait im continueing on the plubing monday and sump on weds or earlier


it will be a while bc im taking my time and getting everything i need b4 starting it up

Might consider just getting rock sand and water first. Could use less flow then you would normally plan to have and no light. That way the tank can begin to cycle and mature sooner. Always best to take your time with things, so you might as well start that time soon. That would be my advice at least.

alright sounds good for me but before i start that i have to get my sump all done plumbing all done and do the background and then ill start

Haven’t been on for a few days but welcome Nathan! :Welcome)

:Welcome) Nate!!

What if we tell Charlie that the whole DRC will boycot him if he doesn’t give you time off to attend the meetings?? He would most likely :SURRENDER and let you go. lOl

I agree with John about filling everything as soon as possible, an extra long cycle time never hurt any tank, but I think you should get a skimmer first. I have an old crappy seaclone skimmer that would work if you want to borrow it till you can get a real skimmer, that way you could start the cycle and save up for aan SWC skimmer.

Well Pat skimmers are great when you have a heavily stocked tank but I don’t think they really add any benefit to a cycling tank. If there is nothing for the machine to skim out it will just use energy making bubbles.

Rock, sand, water is all you really need to get going. Assuming you have a tank, and stand. Wait until you get the tank drilled and get the plumbing set up then you can add water. You’re doing the right thing by not rushing and getting everything together first. Rushing during this phase is what screws most people up and causes problems down the road.