Help Drilling

Does anyone have a glass drill bit and some free time tomorrow to help me drill my old 90 gal?

I can throw in a few bucks to cover gas and expenses!


  Hey Jason

I can help you drill it but I don’t have a bit ,my bit doesn’t cut anymore.

They have pills for that now Bill

Big thanks to Bill. The drilling went smoothly.

Does anyone on this thread still cut glass?

I’ve cut glass exactly once with Bill’s help. I bought a diamond tipped hole saw at lowe’s. We made sure the glass wasn’t tempered. Made a little dam with plumbers putty that we filled with water. The secret to using the saw is starting at a slight angle then slowly lowering the saw onto the glass. Go slow and let the weight of the drill do the work. Drilling a horizontal hole on a half full tank seems like it would be much more difficult.