For all you clam people out there or for anyone that knows them pretty well…. what type of clam would you recommend to me to put into my well established system? I’m not worried about something that is super hardy. If it’s extremely rare, but not really too appealing and just plain I’m not really interested. I’m up for something rarer if it looks nice, but appearance is important. I have never ever tried a clam and want my first to really be a good pick. Not ready financially to go grab one just yet and I want to add a couple of pieces of equipment to my tank first, but just planning ahead.
Should I go aqua cultured? Also I’d prefer something smaller to watch it grow, but don’t want to purchase an animal that isn’t likely to make it. ~ what size is too small?
This is a side to the hobby I’ve never really ventured into and it’s time for something new. I’ll only be get one, so I want to make a good choice.