Here are the rules that I copied and pasted from last year. Remember, one frag per premium member (I didn’t get that memo last year >LOL< )
OK so admittedly I don’t know what to call the polyanna swap thing we do at dinner but I thought we could make it a little more interesting this year. I thought we could add an element of White Elephant / Dirty Santa to it just to make it more “fun”.
Everyone that brings a frag gets to participate, again minimum value of $20. All frags will be placed in a plain brown paper bag (since this is infinitely easier than trying to wrap them in wrapping paper), and placed in a Styrofoam cooler for safe keeping until dinner is over. Everyone will draw a ticket, the number on the ticket represents your turn.
Whoever has #1 will pick a bag, and remove the frag, the type of frag will be announced (hopefully whoever brought the frag will have written the name of the frag on the side of the bag / container)
Whoever has #2 then has a choice of picking a frag from the cooler, or stealing #1s frag. If the latter than #1 will pick another frag from the cooler.
Whoever has #3 can then steal #1 or #2’s frag, or pick a new frag from the cooler.
This will continue until all frags have been removed from the cooler. Each frag can only be stolen a maximum of 3 times. If you have more than 1 ticket (because you brought more than 1 frag) you CAN NOT steal from yourself.
Whoever has #1 gets the last chance to steal a frag after everything is done. (Since by virtue of going first they didn’t have a choice to steal at the beginning)