how bout updating your website , please?

If I go to your site to the : fish & more section…RIGHT NOW - I see one bicolor angel…
so if I walk into your retail store RIGHT NOW TODAY is that all I am going to see in all of your tanks???
ONE bicolor angel???
If I am going to drive almost an hour to your store I’d like to know whats REALLY in stock in the way of fish…etc.
can you work on this ? even if its just a list with no pics-updated every few daysthat would help

Actually, if you were to walk in to our store right now that is pretty much what you would see in our fish system. Fish are not our specialty, corals are. We carry a few fish as a service for our local customers, but really don’t ship that many. We also try to be very selective on who we get our fish from to make sure we have the healthiest specimens possible. What this means is that sometimes we go for awhile between fish shipments and don’t have very many in stock. If unsure, you can always give us a call and check what fish we have in. However, we generally get the new guys posted just as soon as we can be sure they are healthy and settled enough to survive shipment if an out of state customer orders them.

Now if you’d like to take a look at our WYSIWYG coral pages you’ll see them being updated several times a week as we have new corals and frags ready to go. Corals, especially propogated specimens, are our primary focus and make up the majority of our inventory.

[quote=“hottuna, post:1, topic:1940”]
If I go to your site to the : fish & more section…RIGHT NOW - I see one bicolor angel…
so if I walk into your retail store RIGHT NOW TODAY is that all I am going to see in all of your tanks???
ONE bicolor angel???
If I am going to drive almost an hour to your store I’d like to know whats REALLY in stock in the way of fish…etc.
can you work on this ? even if its just a list with no pics-updated every few daysthat would help

since there arent many good stores within 75 miles of you…maybe fish should be a concern…after all people with corals usually have fish,people with fish either have, had or are considering corals…
all I’m asking for is a little bit more fish-with a current stock list updated every week…no pics necessary…I know more people would come if they knew what was accurately in stock.

They said in the post that the website is accurate and up to date. I personally prefer their site to those which list hundreds of fish and most of them have a note next to them stating the animal is out of stock.

Petco typically carries a larger selection of fish then Dr. Mac if you want. The quality may not be the same,(actually I would bet money it wouldn’t compare) but that is your choice. Dr. Mac travels the country every month, and occasionally travels globally, selecting what he considers premium quality live stock. I would never ask him to lower his standards and carry fish in bulk. I also personally wouldn’t tell a proven successful specialist to change his concentration and business model.

If there is a particular fish you would like to see at Pacific East Aquaculture you might try politely sending them an e-mail asking Dr. Mac to keep an eye out for something. They are very good and listening to their customers and filling requests.

You’re right, Gordonious the petco’s I’ve seen never had the quality of fish that Dr mac has,besides I dont think there is a petco anywhere near where I live…(who cares? ,anyway) LOL!
Too bad we can’t create a network among the members of DRC to take some of the burden off the stores in the area…something where we could help each other out when seeking a particular item or knowing whats in stock at a particular store…
as for dr mac’s stock list …even though I have been dealing with the guy since he was doing it out of his basement I dont think he wants me calling every week to see whats in stock…
he moves so much stuff in and out of his facility its difficult to keep his site ,current,especially with pics…
thats why I suggested a list…thats also why my post title ended with the word “please”…I know that its a difficult request…and hope he understands -
I also wish dr macs was triple the size facility it is currently…with full line of fish-fresh and salt,drygoods ,tanks etc…then it would be one stop shopping for me!