how do you keep snails out of overflow?

how do you keep snails out of overflow?

I’m affraid that a snail might climbing over the overflow and clog up the pipe. how do i prevent this from happening? thanks

I would try to find something like this brett…the snails im guessing to worry about would be the mexican turbos because of their some what large shell…

you could incorporate this on your durso/stand pipe that you have in your overflow box

I use this black plastic mess that comes on a roll from Lowes or HD. It is used on the top of gutters to keep leaves out. Just cut a piece off of roll and place over top of your overflow. Keeps out snails and hermit crabs for me. I also cut a small square of eggcrate and put it inside the duroso down pipe, just in case.

depends on how you built the overflow. i use a 90 degree pvc elbow for two size pipes. the male end goes in the 1 1/4 bulkhead and the 2 inch end points up. i then cut 1/4 inch slots in the wide end, about an inch down to act as a seive. works great, they dont climb over, if the water rises, it goes over the top. just keep the top below the rim of the tank. i have also used those gutter guard mesh. but they tend to clog with algae, when you are growing algae. the bulkead strainer is fine. but i found it also plugs real fast. so i cut out every other tooth in the strainer. that works.

Yeah I’m with John and Ken. I use gutter guard.

I have slightly less to be concerned about because of 2 seperate drain pipes, but to be honest - I don’t want snails in either of them.

I roll up a pice of gutter guard and stick it in the top of each drain pipe. When i do a water change I pull the mesh out and give it a quick swish in the waterchange bucket to clear any crud from it.