huge trans-ship coming tomorrow!!!! (3-16)

i know a lot of tangs ordered. some misc. shrooms and corals. and many other things!! the largest shipment we have ordered since we have been back! stop in and see. i will swing by tomorrow evening after work and throw together a list of what came in. (i know!!! i have been slacking!!!) :SURRENDER should be there around lunchtime.

well with our meeting tomorrow i will stop by tuesday nite for what is left. oh and by the way, nice to see you guys offering a coupon in the clipper…i will be using mine …seems like you are getting more and more in each week, maybe a wider varity of corals ?

i walked the store tonight, just to make a decent stock list. i know i hve been slacking so i just wrapped the whole thing! stuff she has/and just got in.

sailfin tang
purple tang
powder blue tang
yellow tang
thompsini tang
clown tang
6 line wrasse
carpenters fairy wrasse
fire clownfish
royal gramma
yellow pseudo (yellow grouper)
green chromis
domino damsels
yellowtail blues
bicolor parrot
spotted hawk
yellow belly puffer
porcupine puffer
neon puffer
humu trigger
blue cheek trigger
cherry grouper
big snowflake moray
gold rabbitfish

green carpet anemone
sebae anemone
flower anemone
purple slugs
blue linkia stars
algae hermits
red hermits 12/$12
turbo snails 5/$10
mexican turbos 4/$15
peppermint shrimp
cleaner shrimp HUGE
fire shrimp HUGE
flame scallop

lot’s of different leathers
green ricordea
blue ricordea
orange ricordea
large sea mats (zoo’s)
yellow pagoda
clove polyps
blue sponge
platygyra brain
green brain
green monti
huge red monti
pagoda cup
frog spawn

if things keep going well, we are gonna try to trans ship in big orders like this much more often. the stock looked VERY nice.