We checked out Delaware Premium Aquatics today and overall liked the feel of the place. While there we chatted with the employees a bit and ended up purchasing the Hydor Koralia 1400 circulation pump. I am not educated at all on circulation pumps but it was recommened that we get one, so we did. Is there anything I should know about them?
My fiancee was curious if it had to be placed anywhere particular in the tank? Our overflow box is on the left and our return pump is on the back right.
We currently are doing fish only (with live rock) but do plan on doing corals in future. Will the 1400 be enough for our tank? It says it is rated up to 90 gallons.
Also, the male employee there mentioned having his hooked up to wave maker? What is this, exactly?
Thanks again for all of the advice and help we have gotten so far with our tank! We appreciate all of the guideance we have gotten.
The Koralia is a good pump - I run several of them in my tank. Forgive me for not remembering off hand the size of your tank. I personally prefer to run at least 2 pumps pointed towards each other, but if you have a smaller tank (<40g) one and your return may be plenty.
The wavemaker is just something that turns one pump on and another one off simultaneously to create a back and forth wave motion in the tank.
With your set-up I would place the Koralia opposite your return pump to make sure there are no dead spots where food and detritous can settle.
For what its worth I run (2) Koralia 1400’s in my tank on a wavemaker and (1) K4 running constantly, plus my return pump. This provides a fair amount of flow to keep the food and poo up in the water column where it can eventually be swept into the sump and skimmed. Although there are a few random dead spots I’d like to see get hit with water everynow and then. This is on my 75g tank.