I have done crazy things before but this takes the cake

[CENTER][SIZE=“3”][COLOR=“red”]I have done crazy things before but this takes the cake

I’m going to give you a frag of each item below for $89.95!!

Yes, I have lost my mind!!

Many of these frags and I mean many go for the amount of the entire frag pack plus you will have to pay for shipping.

All Frags will be nice!! All 1/2–3/4 inch at least some with Multi Branches!!

I’m telling you this is my best deal of all time and I know it is the best deal going right now!!

All Frags will ship next week to allow healing!!

If you would like a pack please send me your paypal ID.

You can also pay with a credit card just give me a Pm on that.

Here is the list!! You get all 10 below!! That is under $9.00 each shipped to your front door.

Strawberry Lemonade

Tequila Sunrise

Dancing Destroyer



Pink Bubble Gum


Rainbow Milli


Joker’s Wild


can a credit for a previous order be used? those are awesome corals. My previous order included 6 of those corals.

Man that is some REAL nice acros!!! I really need to make the trec out to get some in person…

Is that 90 shipped?

Yes $89.95 shipped