Ich in QT

I recently moved my emperor angel over to quarantine and he is still showing signs of ich. I have copper dosed in the system but I’m not sure how long it takes for ich to be affected by it

30 days is the treatment time with copper. Are you testing to verify you are at therapeutic levels? Which copper source are you using?

Also, if this fish had Icn in your DT, your DT is now infected. Are there other fish in the DT? You need to go fallow on the DT for 72 days or you will reinfect your angel when you put it back in.

I am in the process of getting the rest of my fish out of my main system. I am using a kordon product in the qt

Not sure if you guys know this or not but most fish have ich, somthing is affecting the fish to cause it to break out. How long have you had the fish? How long has it been in qt? How long has it been showing signs?

I’ve had him for around 6 months. He went into hiding for over a week

He was showing signs every other week for around a month before he went into hiding

And you now have other fish showing it? I would start by checking everything from temp swings,salinity, stray electrical voltage in the tank, shorted/shorting power head

Last week the temp went up to around 81. Other than that everything else seems on point

What does the temp do at night when lights go out? Does it drop too low?

Last night the tank was reading 77 degrees three hours after the lights went out

Have you looked into the product called kick ick? It is 100% reef safe, i have used it b4

That was the product I have used for months. But the ich still came back after being nonexistent for over a month and a half

Back to my question about your treatment. Have you tested your copper level?

[quote=“Christian, post:13, topic:8621”]
That was the product I have used for months. But the ich still came back after being nonexistent for over a month and a half[/quote]

If you have been treating the tank then something is causing the stress…

The only change in the past couple of weeks has been the addition of a sea cucumber

Have you checked for stray voltage in the tank? Did you check all power heads and make sure none of the magnets are cracked? Do you have any type of reef controller? I still think you need to double check water temps at night long after the lights are out. I had same kind of problem and it turned out the heater wasnt keeping up with the tank after the lights went off.

I am not a believer that Ick is in every tank or fish, it’s a parasite with a known life cycle. It can be present and not be an outbreak for a very long time maybe even many months, but if you quarantine with copper and Prazipro or Tank Transfer method and your tank was setup and everything that went in it was in a fishless system for 10 weeks before going in the display you should be able to keep it Ick free.

Just caught my melanurus wrasse and I am not sure if they required sand in a small container?

[quote=“Christian, post:19, topic:8621”]
Just caught my melanurus wrasse and I am not sure if they required sand in a small container?[/quote]I would imagine he would be happier with some