IE 11

I just got a notice that Internet Explorer 11 is out now. Ive been using IE10 with my AOL. I guess its a good thing to update to the new version. any comments on it? oh, i bet most of you are on APPLEs . seems likeits update month. got a new upgraded version of McAfee security last night too. the control screen has changed, a new driver engine to work better. so far so good. never had any problem with them.

as you can tell, im not very well versed on puters, other than browsing.

I use a PC but I prefer chrome over everything else, then firefox. I haven’t used IE in such a long time I can’t really make a comment on it. I know some folks that use it with no complaints - so to each their own I guess.

i hear you. problem is I’m an old dog who dont like new tricks. too confusing for me. i just spent the past 3 days trying to figure out how to copy a few files from the hard drive to a CD-RW disk for back up. just finally got it.
Old WOOF`~~

oh well, i’ll download the new IE11 tonight. see how it goes. its sposed to be better for my windows 7. and AOL.

I don’t know, but they are saying the new IE11 is now faster than all the rest and safer too.

built for touch screen. of course i dont have touch screen. I got smudge screen. so i guess the default is the mouse. I’ll give it a try. i’ll do a hard drive clutter clean, defrag and full virus scan later. then install the IE11 download. that usually makes a software change go smoother.

hahaha - I can totally relate to smudge screen.

You may be an old dog, but at least you’re using technology. My mom just got her first computer last weekend - a decent laptop. I set it up for her but every single little thing that pops up is a virus to her. At least she’s trying.

I know that feeling well. I’m highly sceptical about anything that just pops on the screen and holds me hostage for a decision. when in doubt, there’s always the good ole ctrl - alt - delete… problem solved.

Well Dang! while i spent an hour replacing a ballast on an old home made 3 bar 36 inch T5 that just burned out, windows couldnt wait and went ahead and installed the IE11. Unbeknownst to me. came back to the puter after the light was working again and…VOILA all done! dont see anything different. but my full disks scan ran much faster afterwards. dont know if they are connected.

Everything seems fine!

It’s a miracle