If your Traveling in Central NJ.......

And want to check out a small store with an awesome selection of fish and coral let me know. This store had an awesome selection of some fish you normally don’t see at most LFS. He had an awesome adult Emp Angel, 2 Achilles tangs, he had a nice Blueline Angel…LOL…and just sold a real small black tang.
All fish are really healthy and he even took the time to FW dip the fish for me to make sure he was fluke free…even though he treated him with PraziPro already.

Which store???

 I really want a Achilles but hard to find a good one that is eating.

He had 2 that were eating like pigs…a smaller one and a medium one. Aquatic Obsessions on Saint George Ave in Avenel. If I would have known I would have gotten it for you today.

Thanks man I'll give them a call there about 116 miles away. LOL I've went further for less.

  Thanks for the offer.

[quote=“billrob71, post:4, topic:3212”]
Thanks man I’ll give them a call there about 116 miles away. LOL I’ve went further for less.

  Thanks for the offer.[/quote]

Worth the trip…It was 90 miles for me and took 1 hour and 20 minutes. The return trip was horrible so much traffic took me almost 3 hours to get home…

Bill talk to me sometime about Achilles before you pick one up. I looked into them really thoroughly a couple of years ago and have some key information on keeping them. Knowing your system there is certain information you need to know first.

I know they like a great deal of flow. I also know they need to eat on a regular basis. Post your thoughts on here…
I had one a couple years ago but lost him during the last ich outbreak.

One thing I am learning in this hobby slow but sure. Is getting quality livestock even if you have to pay a little more is well worth it in the long run. Anyone can order from a wholesaler and put it in their tanks but it takes a real store to take the time to treat fish and make sure they are eating before they sell them. Another thing I have to learn is reduce my impulse to buy on a whim. Take time to make sure the fish is healthy before you take the fish. We all know the high markup on these fish I can buy achilles tangs all day from a diver in hawaii for $40.00. But what you have to keep in mind is you have the risk of the fish dieing in transit or worse dieing the day after you have them. When you purchase from a store you can look at the fish and make sure its eating greatly improving your chances of the fish surviving. So learn from my several mistakes sometimes its worth paying a little more if the store takes the time to do things right.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:6, topic:3212”]
Bill talk to me sometime about Achilles before you pick one up. I looked into them really thoroughly a couple of years ago and have some key information on keeping them. Knowing your system there is certain information you need to know first. [/quote]

Thanks Jon I will. I did have one a long time ago and had him for a couple years. It death was a result of another fish that I added otherwise I think it would still be here.

[quote=“billrob71, post:4, topic:3212”]
Thanks man I’ll give them a call there about 116 miles away. LOL I’ve went further for less.[/quote]

Road Trip!!! Road Trip!!! Road Trip!!!

Bill let me know when you want to go - I’ll head over with you.

I may be game for a road trip to!

Awe, we drove right by it on the trip to Atlantis. Could have stopped by then.

Alright guys lets start to plan for it, I’d would of just took my little road trip tomorrow but I have so much crap going on around here right now and my little fish tank room is all apart , I just have time right yet.