In home tank tour

Mike (alemab3) would like to invite us all to his home to view/tour his tank.

March 13, 2016
He lives in Newark. I will forward the address at a later date to those members that will be attending!!

Let’s show Mike some support and take a trip to his home to view his tank!! Please post if you are interested in attending.

Would love to check out his tank and setup

Any time,
Any Day!
Glad to tour Mikes tank.

sounds cool as long as honey do list isn’t to long I should be there

I’ll try and make it.

I think I can make it. I can then stop by DPA on the way back.

A little over a week away! Who else is coming?

I’ll be stopping by

This is just a reminder!!!

I Pmd the address to those who said they were interested in going!

Thanks again Mike for letting us come over tank looks amazing ::thumbsup::

No problem Bell thanks for coming over and let me know how the frags do.

[quote=“alemab3, post:12, topic:8512”]
No problem Bill thanks for coming over and let me know how the frags do.[/quote]

Thanks for having us Mike! You have an amazing tank! Thanks for the frags GolfC

Shoot! I forgot! My loss. Sorry Mike.

No problem Ken just let me know when you can come over and you can have a private tour lOl