is this a bad idea?

as you may know i have some snail sucking snails. Its not that big of a deal really but i want them out there aren’t too many of them. My nerite keep laying eggs and these snails are on some of the small ones. I don’t really have too many hermit crabs due to them eating snails, but i think i’m going to buy a bunch of hermits to eat the snails and of course algae. hopefully in the process the bad snails will die out and maybe manual removal will be easy on the astrae snails. I want them gone!! real bad. any thoughts?

can’t you just get the cuprite snails out manually? or do they just hide and you don’t see them at all.

there hard to find and there are so many hiding spots

I hear you Tim, a full on hermit crab assault sounds like a good idea to me ::thumbsup:: i’m a little biased though, i’m in the same cannibal snail boat as you.

What are considered the “safest” hermit crabs around coral? I have a few blue legged ones that don’t bother anything.

And from what i’ve seen A, snooping at night with a flashlight, they appear all over, in random spots of the tank

I had hermits before just couldn’t keep snails I had blue red scarlet and zebra may get a few of each. Get em hermits!

[quote=“dunk, post:5, topic:4761”]
Get em hermits![/quote]

yeah, you mess with my clams and “ITS ON”

I wonder if those snail eating snails will eat the clam eating Little Pyram snails? if so, you might have some money makers growing in your tank… or they might eat clam too? You could rent them out like i rent sheep when im too tired to mow my lawn.

Lol they might!! Never thought of that. When I cleaned my clams none found at all but a week after I clean them from my Astrae snails they are back on them one had like 10 on it again but usually 1-4 are found on them.

the life cycle of real pyrams is 120 days; any found within that period sets the clock back to day 1, so unless you can have yr tank clean of snails for whatever is the actual life cycle of these specific snails, i’m afraid you’re stuck with the issue. what makes you think that hermits will eat all your snails and then not touch anything else meaty when all that free food is gone?

Ok I got my remit crab army! 80 blue legs. They were dripped in and all went to work theycleaned two clams a coral and my acan Duncan holding rock. It’s only been two dys but it does seem there are a lot less snails too! Go hermits!!!

Tim, where did you get all the hermit crabs?

Dpa great price. Thanks to charlie

Well… we really don’t want to know where u got your crabs lOl

Ha ha ha. But really they are very hard workers I may just go with the crabs from now on. I’m impressed how good they clean. May have to buy some more.

Just don’t get thebig red hairy crabs! They will eat ur Clam I found that out already and they are gone!

Are you talking about scarlet hermits ? if so are you sure they were eating the clam and not just cleaning close to the mantel ? my crabs are all over my clam and sometimes very close to the mantel but no harm so far.

he has the big hairy hermits i don’t think they killed it but you never know