Is this a mantis shrimp?

Well I will try the modified mouse trap this weekend. I know right where the little guy is living so I hope he will be easy to catch. Any suggestions on the best bait to use? I have silversides and krill in the freezer.

Any frozen food should do fine. I generally use table shrimp, but thats just because we already have it in the freezer most of the time.

Jon: Forgot about the wrasses diving into the sand. Yeah, that could make it a little easier to catch, but I still doubt a mantis that small got it.

Besides diving into the sand when they are really freaked out what about there “sleeping” in that little cocoon like thing. Would be like the aquatic version of pigs in blanket. Wrasse in an excreted web. Follow it up with Caribbean blue leg crabs(kind of like blue crab legs just a lot smaller) and you’ve got full meal! Yummy

[quote=“Gordonious, post:23, topic:863”]
Besides diving into the sand when they are really freaked out what about there “sleeping” in that little cocoon like thing. Would be like the aquatic version of pigs in blanket. Wrasse in an excreted web. Follow it up with Caribbean blue leg crabs(kind of like blue crab legs just a lot smaller) and you’ve got full meal! Yummy[/quote]

This is exactly what I was thinking, but the tank is an open top, so it is possible that he jumped and ended up under the stand.

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:24, topic:863”]
, so it is possible that he jumped and ended up under the stand.[/quote]

Like you said they are know for that, totally possible. I actually picked up my first 6 line wrasse today. Everyone I talk to that actually has grow out propagation tanks says to keep flat worm eater(spotted mandarin or a wrasse) and one algae eating fish(tang and/or rabbitfish) in each tank as maintenance fish. Since I am working on getting my second 75g running I needed one of each.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:25, topic:863”]

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:24, topic:863”]
, so it is possible that he jumped and ended up under the stand.[/quote]

Like you said they are know for that, totally possible. I actually picked up my first 6 line wrasse today. Everyone I talk to that actually has grow out propagation tanks says to keep flat worm eater(spotted mandarin or a wrasse) and one algae eating fish(tang and/or rabbitfish) in each tank as maintenance fish. Since I am working on getting my second 75g running I needed one of each. [/quote]

Do you think my 39g could support a spotted mandarin long term? I have some of those pesky reddish flatworms in there and I would like to get rid of them. They aren’t out of control, but it would nice to not see them at all. This tank has tons of pods also, but I wouldn’t want the fish to go hungry once he cleaned out the flat worms.

This is difficult to say. First of I know a lot of literature would say no, however that is when the fish is relying on a food source of pods.

My spotted mandarin has lived in a 40 breeder which has very little rock in it and is typically only filled half way. Not only has he lived, but the thing is VERY fat and happy. I think he may be partially living off flat worms in the tank, but can not say for sure as I have not see a flat worm outside of my qt tank in over a year now. When I hit the tank with FW exit we will see what happens.(I have a couple of other tanks full of pods I could move him to the second I notice a reduction in his weight)

The spotted mandarins I saw at DPA today were half the size of mine and since your 39 has more water and rock then mine I think it would be fine. I would keep an eye on it though. Your flat worms are also a different species then the ones I have I believe so it is possible the spotted mandarin might not touch them.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:27, topic:863”]
This is difficult to say. First of I know a lot of literature would say no, however that is when the fish is relying on a food source of pods.

My spotted mandarin has lived in a 40 breeder which has very little rock in it and is typically only filled half way. Not only has he lived, but the thing is VERY fat and happy. I think he may be partially living off flat worms in the tank, but can not say for sure as I have not see a flat worm outside of my qt tank in over a year now. When I hit the tank with FW exit we will see what happens.(I have a couple of other tanks full of pods I could move him to the second I notice a reduction in his weight)

The spotted mandarins I saw at DPA today were half the size of mine and since your 39 has more water and rock then mine I think it would be fine. I would keep an eye on it though. Your flat worms are also a different species then the ones I have I believe so it is possible the spotted mandarin might not touch them. [/quote]

Well I won’t be trying until I catch the mantis shrimp. I wouldn’t want to risk it. I may give it a shot eventually. I could always move him over to the 95 if he looked liked he needed more to eat.

Sounds like a plan.

[quote=“icy1155, post:17, topic:863”]
Awesome, thanks. I was just making sure on the size thing that he wasnt to massive. From the sounds of things he should be just fine in the 10g I have. [/quote]

Thanks to Martinfamily I have the trap to catch this little bugger. Icy1155 where are you located so when I catch I can get it to you asap. I really don’t have anywhere to put it once I have it.

Wish me luck!

[quote=“fishguy9, post:5, topic:863”]
looks an awful lot like one to me…

That is a cool photo fishguy. By the way, I heard your real name is Feeder Boy…LOL…

I am in downtown Dover, near the intersection of State St. and Division (Rt 8)…basically across the street from Wesley Collage :frowning:

To hold it temporarily you could take a small tupperware and poke holes in… put the little bugger in with a piece of pvc or something. He should be just fine for a while untill I can get him.

They make it sitting inside of rocks and corals all the time being shipped across the world. Probably would be fine in a container. I’ve also heard of people catching them and holding them in a container then posting for a couple weeks trying to find a home. Shouldn’t be a problem unless you leave it in your car while you are at work.

don’t forget to post up some pics once you do catch it

Well I just checked the trap and no shrimp. I did see him this morning though. He was sitting just inside his cave eating what looks like one of snails, but could be hermit. I can only see the shell so it is hard to tell. He was snapping his claw against the shell. I also noticed several empty shells outside his home so I now know why my cuc population has been diminishing.

I used a piece of scallop and krill as bait and all I caught were 2 nass snails. I will reload tonight and see how it goes.

keep us up dated

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:36, topic:863”]
I used a piece of scallop and krill as bait and all I caught were 2 nass snails.[/quote]

You mean all you caught was two additional pieces of bait, lol. Perhaps you should move some of your CUC to another tank for time being so he is hungrier. Make him want the bait more.

Yeah, kinda ironic huh? LOL. I just put some fresh bait in the trap. I decided to try a piece of silverside tonight. I have a feeling this shrimp is way smarter than me!

Still no shrimp :-? I am going to try one more time and then I guess I will have to remove his home to catch him. I really don’t want to do that as I have the rocks on that side just right.

This is one smart shrimp!