Is this a mantis shrimp?

Before you go pulling up the rockwork give the bottle trap a try. I have caught 2 with it and its one of the most common ways that other people use as well.

[quote=“icy1155, post:41, topic:863”]
Before you go pulling up the rockwork give the bottle trap a try. I have caught 2 with it and its one of the most common ways that other people use as well.[/quote]

+1 takes bout 15-30 seconds to make, depending on how fast you cut. throw in a little rock and some bait and toss it in

Very careful with this animal if you decide to bare hand the rock he is in. Fisherman call these guys, “thumb splitters”. If you think they can do some damage on the shell of a snail image the flesh on your fingers…

Well my shrimp decided to show himself today, at least partially. He was watching me from his lair and he did eventually come all the way out, but he moved faster than anything I have ever seen!!! Here are a few of the photos that I managed to capture. Please excuse the flat worms, I am working on getting rid of them.

Those are awesome pics. He looks cool.

WOW. I cant wait. You should think about making a small frag of that scrolling corraline algae, that is awesome.

Sweet photos! I was also wondering about a frag of your coralline. I wonder if it is a different species or just the growth pattern in your tank due to the local conditions.

P.S. I am almost 100% sure it is G. Smithii, purple/black meral spots with a white ring and red end to his smashing appendages. Would you like a frag in trade for the little bugger?
“Fisherman Attacked by Giant Shrimp”
“Mantis Shrimp Ate My Baby!”
“Stomatopod Sinks Fleet”
“Mantis Shrimp Destroys World; Film at 11…”

[quote=“icy1155, post:48, topic:863”]
P.S. I am almost 100% sure it is G. Smithii, purple/black meral spots with a white ring and red end to his smashing appendages. Would you like a frag in trade for the little bugger?[/quote]

Sure. I would love to have a yuma if you have one spare. I am in no hurry though. Could you explain to me how to construct the soda bottle trap?

Sure, as soon as I have a little room on the frag rack I’ll cut a spare for ya.

For the soda bottle trap:

  1. Take an aquafina waterbottle or something similar and cut it off at the spot where the taper on the top ends.
  2. Flip the tapered part over and put it so that it faces into the other part of the bottle.
  3. Put the bottle in front of the hole with a little rubble in front of the mouth so that the mantis can crawl in easy enough.
  4. Bait it.

It will crawl in, and with the spout pointed inwards once he gets in there its hard for it to get out.

Don’t forget to punch a few small holes in the bottom of the bottle to allow for flow. otherwise the shrimp will know something is not right.

True… forgot to add to poke some small holes all the way around the base part to allow water to flow through a little. It also helps carry the scent of the food to him.

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:31, topic:863”]

[quote=“fishguy9, post:5, topic:863”]
looks an awful lot like one to me…

That is a cool photo fishguy. By the way, I heard your real name is Feeder Boy…LOL…[/quote]
who u been talkin to???

I’m not saying. You have to figure out how I know…

Dont rush. I am in NJ untill tomorrow night so I cant pickup untill then.

Well I still haven’t caught the shrimp yet. I am going to try the bottle trap either tonight or tomorrow. I am going to pick up some table shrimp and see if this will be more enticing to him.

Well, if He looks like that, He looks very distinguished.

Like he should be at a podium about to give a Reef Ecology lecture on Suvival of the Fittest!

Any luck over the weekend??

[quote=“crazycracker, post:59, topic:863”]
Any luck over the weekend??[/quote]
