Is this a mantis shrimp?

[quote=“icy1155, post:60, topic:863”]

[quote=“crazycracker, post:59, topic:863”]
Any luck over the weekend??[/quote]


The shrimp is not going to let me catch it so easily. Neither trap has worked thus far. I am going out of town tomorrow until the 13th so I won’t have time to try again until next weekend.

Ok, well let me know if there is anything I can do to help. :slight_smile:

Put a snail in one of the traps?

I am seriously thinking about turning the 39g into a frag/qt tank. If I decide to go that route I will more than likely be removing the large LR on the left and putting in some frag racks. At that time I will try and get the mantis out. I figure with only his small rock and tunnels he should be easier to catch. There will be no fish or corals and I can remove the remaining snails and hermits. The trap with its bait might be more appealing to him then.

By the way if anyone is wanting a nice very mature 10lbish piece of rock I will probably be looking to sell it. It is loaded with coraline, spong, tunicates, miniture brittle stars, ect…

I’ll take it how much?

Is it the one that the mantis is living in?

No. I am going to leave his home in the tank, but take evrything else out. I figure he should be easier to catch then

Ok, J/W. How big is the rock that it is living in? Perhaps it might be easier if I bought the rock from ya if you are willing to part with it?

[quote=“icy1155, post:68, topic:863”]
Ok, J/W. How big is the rock that it is living in? Perhaps it might be easier if I bought the rock from ya if you are willing to part with it? [/quote]

Actually I want to keep the rock he living in. Once I am done traveling and am in town for more than a couple days I am going to start tranferring all of the corals and fish over. I figure that shrimp is going to get hungry and he should be easier to catch. As soon as I catch him you will be the first to know.

Ok, I was just wondering if that would be easier for you. I’m in no rush, it just gives the rock longer build corraline.