January 28th Meeting

Well our first meeting of 2013 is next week and I must say, we’re starting the year off right…


Bill and I picked up some really nice frags for the raffle courtesy of Mike at ASR (www.aquariumspecialtiesresearch.com)

And I have to comment here - Mike took a solid 45 minutes hand picking frags for us, making sure we have a nice selection and something to please a reefer of any experience level.

For the Golden Ticket prize … well we’re still debating, but as in month’s past, you know it’s going to be something good. Maybe a large squamosa clam will wet your whistle this month?

Bill will dazzle us with his modification of an LED fixture, adding and removing LEDs to give him the exact balance of color and spectrum.

We are also going to discuss our 2013 frag swap - we need your input to ensure this year will be as great a success as last year’s.

We hope everyone will be able to make it this month (well ok honestly, actually I don’t. If Bill, Ken, and I are the only ones to show up then we can all leave with 3 gorgeous ASR frags a piece).

We will be meeting at William Penn HS at 7pm, right in the cafeteria.

You know I’ll be there, can’t let the frags go without trying.

way to go “A”. you know you will have to do a future tank build slide show for the club meeting, one day. And I cant wait to see it!

We have been watching you!

You know I will Ken. Waiting for everything to get settle and up and running.

The CHILE is in progress! Should be nice and hot by meeting time.!

Meanwhile the weather is above freezing, about 36 with a slight misty rain. but its not freezing on the road, just wet. tonights temps will stay about the same after the drizzle stops.

Thanks for doing the cooking Ken. YahoO You make an AWESome chile. It always tases like…MORE!!! ;D

And thanks for the “on the spot” weather report, really helps me with my long ride.

Since Ken is bringing Chilli, can someone grab soda, ice, and snacks (not the same person obviously)?

I can bring sodas

Since I’m bringing the wife and kids along, we’ll grab some tostitos for the chili and a dessert.

I got soda and two bags of chips


I can’t believe I not only won a nice frag but that fiesty squamosa clam too for the golden prize. It was squirting water all over Bill and his LED lights while he bag the frags. and was still just as fiesty when i got it home. spraying water on the kitchen floor as i acclimated it to my water in a small tub.I had to clear a patch in the frag tank for it , next to an older Derasa clam ive had for a couple years.
Hope it does good.

great meeting tonight. many new people. good to see you all.

Congrats Ken on the new clammy or should I say new water pistol #@$^ :stuck_out_tongue:

That is a pretty iridescence green clammy too!

Sorry I missed the meeting, but my wife broke a bone in her hand and we were at the doctor till after 7. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t broken her wrist 10 days before.

Ouch! sorry to hear Pat. Hope she’s better now. I’m sure pain still there.

Congrats Ken! now two clams are taking up precious realestate ::rofl::

sorry i missed the meeting, the toilet terror alert was at Defcon Brown last night ::hitsthefan::
poor Tristan had it worse then me, the kid was up til 4am taking the browns to the superbowl ::rofl:: he stayed home from school today to catch up on sleep…

Hey ! They are my home team. sittin in the dog pen.

::rofl:: :FLUSH) taken the browns to the Super Bowl!