January Meeting **RESCHEDULED**

Woot woot! I’ll be there.

So, I’ve been put in charge of food for this meeting. I’m thinking about grabbing Peruvian chicken from a place by my work. Are their any vegetarians in the club? Do you guys think 3 whole chickens is enough? It comes with 2-3 sides.

Is the chicken in parts? Do we need to cut it up?

They usually cut it in half, but I can have them cut it in quarters. 3 whole chickens? 4?

Chicken sounds good!! I will bring a knife with me just in case we need to cut it up some more. If they cut it in quarters that would be better. I would think the average person would eat at least a quarter. Last meeting we had about 20 people there. Not sure what the attendance will be this month. I would say 4 or 5.

Okay, I’ll get 4. They have a 2 whole chicken, 4 sides and 6 cans of soda for $33 so I can just grab 2 of those. We will probably need 1-2 more 2L of soda. Here’s the menu. It’s insanely good, your just going to have to take my word for it… a least till the meeting.


I looooooove Peruvian chicken! That gets my vote.

[quote=“bnelson, post:26, topic:2085”]
Okay, I’ll get 4. They have a 2 whole chicken, 4 sides and 6 cans of soda for $33 so I can just grab 2 of those. We will probably need 1-2 more 2L of soda. Here’s the menu. It’s insanely good, your just going to have to take my word for it… a least till the meeting.


Sounds good!! I will pick up the extra 2 liters. Thanks Bryant

I have never had Peruvian chicken! I am looking forward to this if it is still on the menu for Monday night!

It is!!!

[quote=“nerak, post:30, topic:2085”]
It is!!![/quote]
Hell ya! PBJ!

sounds good. I think The guys at DPA were having puruvian chcken also, when i dropped by friday night. from a new place in their plaza i believe. looked good. cant remember the name of the place.

Looking forward to the meeting tonight! Hope to see everyone coming out !!

Come enjoy some good chicken, meet some new friends or visit with old friends and check out our Vice President Bill’s presentation on par meters!!! You dont want to miss it!

There will also be raffles!!!

You can also sign up for premium membership!!

Hey Nerak(Karen!) Great meeting tonight! You covered a lot of ground and club business items in preparation for our upcoming frag swap in May. It’s a good early start. I think it could to be our best one yet. It sounds like we are going to need many more members to help out preparing for and running the swap. Volunteers Will Be Cheerfully accepted!

I have to say: Thanks to Floating13(Bill # 2?) for the very good technical slide presentation on the use and function of our club SENEYE Digital USB PAR Meter.
[move]Available For Paid Member Use![/move]
Your explanation of how the data is collected and condensed to nice charts and graphs and how to interpret the results was, Illuminating! You refreshed our memory of the true value and needs of proper lighting spectrum and intensity for a healthy Reef Tank.

Hey Bryant. Sorry for your disconnect with the Puruvian Chicken restaurant tonight. But the Hoagies you brought in their stead were Delicious! I love good Hoagies! I know you will get the chicken next time.

I missed what the golden ticket item was tonight from the several choices. They were all good. But, we had plenty of frags and many lucky winners in the Raffle. Lots of little Baby Corals found happy new homes tonight. I hope we get to see many progress pictures of them as they grow up.

It was good to see you all tonight.
It was a Very Good Meeting!
I had a Good Time!

Had fun tonight and great to see friends again

Corals are awesome Ken thanks alot ::thumbsup::

I had a lot of fun at the meeting too. Nice seeing you all!

Thanks everyone! It was a good meeting! Sure would of liked to have that chicken ! lOl Its all good though! We will get it next time! We have a lot of work ahead of us for the swap!! Can’t wait though!