Jtnova's 60g Build

        Id half to agree with Craig concentrate of finding other color corals to off set what you have.  Greens and brown-to reds seem to be dominent colors and are alot more common.

I agree too i need to get more different colors in, ken gave me so much green monti cap and it takes up so much space!

Couple of new additions from Mike @ ASR. His store has so many awesome corals, barely any fish though. Great place to go to if you are looking for frags at good prices.

Blue/red monti, almost looks like a superman. Whites and blues on:

Same monti, blues only:

Mixed Zoa Colony:

nice stuff ::thumbsup::

sure looks like superman to me!

So i just cleaned out my BP reactor (TLF 150) and put in new biopellets (NPX bioplastics)… they are not tumbling and the reactor is leaking from the top.

Do you guys think this is a leaky o-ring or something?

[quote=“jtnova13, post:85, topic:5377”]
So i just cleaned out my BP reactor (TLF 150) and put in new biopellets (NPX bioplastics)… they are not tumbling and the reactor is leaking from the top.

Do you guys think this is a leaky o-ring or something?[/quote]

the leaking part is common… double check that you have both o-rings in proper place ( the rubber o ring, and the flat plastic one) i hate my tlf reactor, pia every time i service it…
but you said no tumbling with a leak… sounds like a possible flow restriction and pressure building up… possibly

yah, i’m thinking there is a flow restriction somewhere, i’m not sure where though. I’ll have to check the outflow and tubing.

Ok, i just checked the outflow tubing separate from the reactor and it is flowing fine. Where else could it be blocked up?

Water is going into the reactor, filling up, then leaking. No tumbling from the beads.

If no tumbling, check your center tube it may came apart from the connector where the red grid plate is. Also, if it not leaking from the o-ring on top then check the connector on the input side of the tube. those were where mine leaked.

I know this is going to sound dumb, but make sure the hoses are on the right ports.

I set my TLF reactor up backwards once and it took me 3 weeks to figure out why it wasn’t functioning properly.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:89, topic:5377”]
I know this is going to sound dumb, but make sure the hoses are on the right ports.

I set my TLF reactor up backwards once and it took me 3 weeks to figure out why it wasn’t functioning properly.[/quote]

He went in through the out door. >LOCO<

::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl::

I did check that out, it’s going in the middle, out the side.

(the middle is connected to the hose that goes to the bottom). If that’s wrong, I’ve been using it wrong since I got it!!

get it working? stop the leak?
btw… what pump do you use on your reactor? is it fighting much gravity?

@saltcreep, sorry for the late delay. I did fix it, the o-ring was missing. They are huge, i’m not sure how I misplaced it without noticing…

My BP reactor was off-line for about a month and I had no nitrates or algae so I changed my biopellets to GFO as I have like .1ppm of phos.

Question: I put way too much in the reactor at first and I read that it can bleach corals (i’m assuming from a steep drop in alk?). Anyway, I used the BRS calculator and went even a little light on that… Can I just dry out the rest of the GFO and use it later or is it toast since I got it all wet already?

I’ll be monitoring alk and phos. Anything else to know?

Ok i didn’t do anything to this tank for the past month besides top off water and add GFO yesterday.

Here are my original vs current params:

       Original              Current

CA 375 390
Alk 7.3 7.7
Mg 1300 1400
Phos 0.22 0.22

2 questions:

  1. how is it possible that my params are higher now? Variability in testing?
  2. How long does it usually take phosban to start working? I have a phosban 150 running.

[quote=“jtnova13, post:94, topic:5377”]
Ok i didn’t do anything to this tank for the past month besides top off water and add GFO yesterday.

Here are my original vs current params:

       Original              Current

CA 375 390
Alk 7.3 7.7
Mg 1300 1400
Phos 0.22 0.22

2 questions:

  1. how is it possible that my params are higher now? Variability in testing?
  2. How long does it usually take phosban to start working? I have a phosban 150 running.[/quote]

could be variables in the testing, altough its pretty close. My first guess would be you’ve tested it at two slightly different salinities. A lesser/ more concentrated salt solution also yields a lesser/ more amount of the other parameters as well.
You may just be getting some accurate readings now ::thumbsup::

As far as phosban, my experience with it, wjile trying to get some algae under control seemed to be in the 6 week range. I didn’t have accurate phosphate testing to confirm it though. are you doing a slow flow through the phosban? you def dont want it to move alot and make dust.

Yah I have a maxijet 600 throttled way down with a valve. It’s tumbling lightly.

Ill test again in a week, I didn’t even think to check salinity that could be.

evaporation that lowers your sump water level increases the concentrations of all parameters.

Yah it was probably low enough and i hadn’t refilled my top-off reservoir to account for the difference in params.

I was just worried about bleaching from adding GFO, i’ll monitor the situation, hopefully phosphates will lower. I’m doing a 20% WC also.

Today I decided to finally dose my tank with flatworm exit after siphoning out flatworms for about a week.

I dosed the tank with 48 drops (4 drops per 5 gallons) and after about 5 minutes noticed flatworms moving around on the corals.

I didn’t really see any of them dying or the strands forming (like on melevs reef) after 45 minutes, so I added another 24 drops per their instructions.

Waited another 30 minutes and there are a bunch of strands! Next I waited another hour to make sure the die off would be complete and I siphoned out as much as i could without harming the corals.

I just started up the carbon on the tank because I cannot see any flatworms (at least live ones).

I’m thinking about doing a 20% water change, how long should I run carbon on the tank before I do the water change. 2 hours?

I didn’t see this post until well after you dosed your tank, but how did things turn out?