Jtnova's 60g Build

Tank stayed warm over the night, woke up and it’s 79.9 in the tank, 74 ambient.

I did find out that the return pump is putting about 3 degrees of heat into the tank since it normally runs around 82-83. I’m not sure if that’s high or low, but I’m thinking that’s kind of high.

is that with a fan aimed at the surface ?

No fan it’s covered too and I have a hood.

glass covered ? if so i would remove it, as that is where your gas exchange is going to happen and will also build up unneeded heat, a covered tank will offer a lot less gas exchange depleating O2 faster as temps rise. And if your hood is a total enclosure that should be vented well.

I got my tank up and running now so It should be good. I can’t remove the cover as my lights sit on the top of the tank.

I’m thinking about installing a fan in the sump to blow across the water.

My TDS meter was reading 4 ppm so I decided to get a new filter kit + DI resin from BRS. I installed everything and now my TDS meter is reading 6 ppm. Do I need to run it to get some bad water out still? I have only run about 3 gallons through the new filters.

Also, I bought a 1 canister refill package of DI, but i had a shitload of it left after filling my canister to the brim. Is there something special I need to do to get more DI in?

Is it ok if it’s not 100% full or is that bad?

EDIT: ok figured it out. My RO system has 2 outputs. 1 for drinking water and 1 for misc? I was accidently using the misc output instead of the drinking water one which bypasses the DI. I should mark them haha.

It’s reading 0 ppm now! I guess I just have some extra DI resin… whats the best way to store?

when you fill the di you pack it in there. some will be left. you may have the drinking water/reef rodi the one you can drink and make ice just need the bladder tank

[quote=“jtnova13, post:66, topic:5377”]
Is there something special I need to do to get more DI in?

Is it ok if it’s not 100% full or is that bad?

I guess I just have some extra DI resin… whats the best way to store?[/quote]

I’ve seen other people use PVC pipe with a capped end and pack it down that way. Or I just bang it on the table and pack it really tight and filled it to the brim. It may not fill 100%, but try to get it as close as you can.

I keep my extra DI resin in the plastic pouch that it came in, wrap rubber band around it and put that in a zip lock bag. That way it would keep the moisture in and keep the light out.

Thanks! I looked up how to pack it on youtube (BRS video). I managed to get about a half cup more in but it was pretty tight already.

I will chuck it in a ziploc bag and call it a day.

Haven’t uploaded a FTS lately. Pics are still coming out “whiter” than they look in person. I have to mess with the white balance on my camera. I got rid of alot of the spotlighting by running the whites at like 30% (they were at 50%) Blues are at 60%.

I like this color balance a lot better than with more whites as well. Also my acro at the top was starting to bleach so turning the LEDs down helped. It’s already getting color back.

The tank looks like it is coming along nicely.

Just wanted to upload some growth pics. FYI I am running 2x ebay LED fixtures.

The 2nd set of growth pics are the right coloration. My white balance was off in the original pictures.

7/27/12 Green acro

10/11/12 Green acro

7/27/12 Green Digi

10/11/12 Green Digi

7/27/12 Green Hydno

10/11/12 Green Hydno

7/27/12 Green Monti Cap

10/11/12 Green Monti Cap

FTS 7/27/12

FTS 10/11/12

I’ll upload some more pics in a couple of months! Sorry about the glass, haven’t cleaned it in about a month.

Its looking good, really coming alive and growing. You’ll be running out of room in no time… And I guess no complaints about those ebay lights huh ::rofl::

Did you get the heat issue under control? I def agree with hudzon about letting it “breathe”… but it looks like what you’re doing is working just fine for now…

That is some nice growth pics. Growing really nice for you. Like John said, You’ll be running out of room in no time.

Thanks for the feedback guys! The ebay lights have been good for growth so far! I am thinking about adding a DIY LED to fill in the missing light spectrums but that’s not going to be for awhile.

I didn’t do anything for the heat yet, the cooler temps have kept the tank around 79 all day. I will have a solution before summer comes around again :stuck_out_tongue:

New addition from DPA:

Just updating my FTS:

nice looking addition!

and the fts is looking good ::thumbsup::

  Tank is coming along real nice  ::thumbsup:: 

 Lots of nice color

Thanks all. I still feel like i have too much green. I may have to get rid of some of that green monti cap.

I wouldn’t worry about getting rid of green - I’d focus on supplementing with a variety of yellow, reds, and oranges in between instead.