Just an Idea!

Hi everyone,
Back in NC when i was part of a reefclub there we had an emergency contact thread. Not sure if we have one here or not but if not it would be a great addition. The thread consist of everyones name, number, location, availibility, etc. When someone had an emergency they didnt have to worry about getting on the site and waiting for a reply they had the option to look through the contacts and call someone if they had an emergency.
It helped me out a couple times. Things as small as needing RO water when a store was closed or needing somewhere to house my critters because of a tank crash, equip. failure.
Just food for thought, after seeing andrews post a little while ago it hit me that if we didnt have this thread it would be a good asset.

Thanks everyone


something to consider. good possibilities!

That is a good idea.

Keep in mind it’s not always safe to post your email address or phone number on forums as you can’t control who can get access to it (think that crazy stalker chick you accidentally hooked up with junior year)

Personally I have PFAs from most of them so my number is 468-0087 - Craig

Can we add a password protected section ?
That way you get the password if you share your info.

Maybe if someone with more site access could start the thread as emergency contact or something.
Junior year girl aaaaaaaaaaaaah the memories.haha.

Like i said its a life saver sometimes especially when you have lots and lots invested in your system like 100% of the people here do.

I think it’s a great idea; maybe we could implement an email list with everyone’s info? That way our personal information will be better protected.

I personally believe that being prepared prevails. I know of 2 people that live close by who I can contact in case of an emergency. Maybe simply connecting through PM’s with people in close proximity to each other and acquiring contact info in this manner will suffice.

Some things occur that you just cant be prepared for sometimes.

[quote=“BigCase, post:8, topic:4350”]
Some things occur that you just cant be prepared for sometimes.[/quote]

Not if you’re a well trained, seasoned, back-woods eagle scout. Saint:)

::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl::