Just curious, who has kept Fungia Plate corals before?

I was just curious who in the club had kept fungia plate corals before and how well they did.

This may be a redundant response, but I have had one for several months now and it seems to be doing very very well in my tank.


I had one in my 12g for about 5 months. It did well under the stock pc lighting. Beware if you have small rock dwelling fish. My clown goby decided to perch on it and became a meal.

I’m sorry but that is just too cool. I hate to see fish die, but love when people get pics of them dying really cool like that.

brings back memories

open brain 006.jpg

Ahhhh poor little guy.

I know the corals are just doing what comes natural, eating, but it still sucks.

Good thinking on grabbing the camera!

I had a basic plate coral, really easy to keep. Just fed it frozen meaty foods every once in a while. Keeping them for you isn’t a problem Jon, the real question is… how can you frag them? >LOL<

So Jeff I didn’t hear any mention of any exams tomorrow. Does that mean you’ll be making your first ever meeting tonight?

I made one meeting! But exams were never my problem, its work. And unfortunately I always work monday nights! The only days I have off are tues, thurs and sometimes sundays. School doesn’t start until feb 9th though. I am not looking forward to going back. Hope the meeting went well. Besides, I don’t know if I feel up to going towards another meeting, I feel kind of “outta the circle” in DRC.

We had tons of new members at the meeting today. No reason to feel left out, people are joining all the time. Hope all is well with the tanks.

BTW, Ellen I am probably going to buy your old Fungia plate tomorrow from DPA. I also bought 6 yellow clown gobies today(to hopefully breed in the future), so I’ll have to make sure I keep them in separate tanks, lol.

I a bright orange Fungia already, but I would like to try a couple more to eventually try fragging.(once I’ve had them activly growing for a while and I am sure they are healthy.)

[quote=“Gordonious, post:12, topic:932”]
BTW, Ellen I am probably going to buy your old Fungia plate tomorrow from DPA. I also bought 6 yellow clown gobies today(to hopefully breed in the future), so I’ll have to make sure I keep them in separate tanks, lol.

I a bright orange Fungia already, but I would like to try a couple more to eventually try fragging.(once I’ve had them activly growing for a while and I am sure they are healthy.) [/quote]

Definitely keep them in seperate tanks. They are always perching on the corals and this is dangerous when a fungia is in the tank.

Your picture was warning enough in itself, lol. I am pretty sure an anemone I was given took out two clown gobies and a neon goby I had a little over a year ago. I’ll pay close attention as to where I put these guys. These clown gobies may go into a fuge for a while until they begin pairing up and spawning.

Checking for an update here. I know Paul aquired one recently. Anyone else have experience with these guys? Still one of my favorite groups of corals.

I’m on the fence with the orange one at DPA, I want one but sand real estate is limited in my tank.

Tim theres 2 fungal plates there one is real nice and you should buy it  :P. If it's there much longer may half to pick it up myself  ;D