Just some random pics of my fish and tank

I was bored tonight sitting here in my motel room so I decided to post some pics of my fish and a new FTS shot of the 95.

FTS as of last Saturday

A couple of my carpenter wrasse

My yellow coris and leopard wrasse

My new frag, the ORA red planet

Nice selection of livestock, Ellen!

Does your wrasse try to bully your other fish?

I dont know about hers, but all of our wrasses were big wusses. Never bothered any of the other fish at all.

[quote=“Starryn1ght420, post:3, topic:1288”]
Does your wrasse try to bully your other fish?[/quote]

Not at all. They are very peaceful. I am really starting to love wrasses. I am looking for a couple more to add to my tank eventually. They are very active and colorful.

[quote=“johnr3, post:2, topic:1288”]
Nice selection of livestock, Ellen![/quote]

Thanks John.

have u had any problems with the leopard??? was always warned against them, being kind of tough to keep…

[quote=“fishguy9, post:7, topic:1288”]
have u had any problems with the leopard??? was always warned against them, being kind of tough to keep…[/quote]

Yes that can be true. I think the biggest problem is shipping stress. I have seen many pictures of them doing well in reef tanks if the fish purchased was healthy. Mine seems to be doing better every day. It stayed in the sand for the first two days, and now is out for a good part of the day hunting down pods and other little creatures.

Great pics. Your fish are very colorful and that frag of the red planet looks awesome. And I noticed the frag of the setosa,looking good.

That leopard is so sweet looking

[quote=“houndsbayman, post:9, topic:1288”]
Great pics. Your fish are very colorful and that frag of the red planet looks awesome. And I noticed the frag of the setosa,looking good.[/quote]

Thanks houndsbayman. I hope the setosa continues to do well.