JustSumGuy's 75g tank setup

Well today I finally made my trip to TPP wish I could have spent more time there. I got a big 30 oz. bottle of the live phyto. The only thing I am not a big fan of is the short shelf life of it. I looked at all the bottles they had and got the one with the longest time on it July 15. Picked up some sock filters and a clean up crew.
6 scarlet reef hermits
10 nassarious snails
10 margarita snails
3 astrea snails (all they had left :frowning: )
3 turbo snails
10 cerith snails

Just realized I missed checking stuff out that I wanted to check… so time for some internet checking.

I will be selling for sure-
coral beauty
bi color angel
blue velvet damsel
blue damsel

I got some of the live rock adjusted to where I think I will like em but don’t really think I like em ::thinking:: I saw some really nice rock at TPP but buying all new live rock again is not something I want to do.

I am also looking for more trachaphylia brains of different colors. I have seen a few I liked but thought they were a bit high for the size.

As long as you keep phyto in fridge and shake it once a week it will last way past exp date, I had no problems with 30 days past.

You did rite thing getting snails and hermits, they will clean up good. Next time try:

That package would have saved me a lot.

So I noticed the Astrea snails I got are dead I had a feeling when the woman picked them and I did not see them moving at all and thought maybe they were just tucked in.

I do have some other hermits in my other tanks but I did not want to get the same as what I have. I was worried about them eating my snails since my zebra hermits love snails. and I have blue legged hermits, some extra snails that have survived the hermits.

It’ll be fine, wait few month then place reef-cleaners order.

Looks like the tank has cycled very well have had 0 ammonia,0 nitrite, 0 nitrate for the past week. Here are some updated pictures. I only had actinics on tomorrow I will try and get some shots with the halides on. I also edited some of the coloring to try and show them true.

Tank shot from the side.

My clown fish just started hosting the Sebae today after their dinner. I sprinkled a few pellets on the Sebae and it got their attention well. I am so happy LoL I was getting worried after a few people told me I picked a bad one and I would be lucky if I got the clown fish to befriend it.

Not sure what acro this is but it shows its green only with actinics on. My halides are 10k so not much of the nice coloring shows up during the day.

This is my millipora it is mostly like a reddish/purple the picture came out good after editing I think.

The ricordia’s are doing pretty good. during the day they swell up pretty big.

Not sure what this is or its true colors yet. it is finally getting color back. has green tips though.

Jeff, tank looks great ::thumbsup::

Looking good Jeff - glad the clowns decided to host. Sometimes it just takes a while. My percula’s won’t go anywhere near their bubble tip.

Thanks guys. I should have the other pics up sometime this morning.

Coming along very well Jeff. Nice looking acros as well so far. Hopefully they well color up for you nicely.

I am only going to post a few pictures here I took about 90 pictures and edited some and well I am not going to finish going through all of them but I post majority of pictures I like on my photobucket link > http://s1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc488/JustSumGuy29/
I also have some corals with tissue loss from the old tank that are still losing tissue :frowning:

Love the rock work -is that drilled, epoxied, well balanced??

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:32, topic:4088”]
Love the rock work -is that drilled, epoxied, well balanced??[/quote]

just balanced. I have not even epoxied the corals yet. the way I did it does not work well for putting corals on without epoxy I am very limited atm.

Rockwork does look cool, and its nice not to have it all glued just in case you need to move something. :BEER

And i see those “screaming white” new pieces of rock… ha, i remember not too long ago i had white ones in mine lOl

How’s all the other coral doing besides the ones that were already hurting? You said that nice blue sps was fragged, and all brown also? any polyps coming out on it?

[quote=“saltcreep, post:34, topic:4088”]
Rockwork does look cool, and its nice not to have it all glued just in case you need to move something. :BEER

That was one of my concerns. I tend not to like how my rockscape ends up.[/quote]

[quote=“saltcreep, post:34, topic:4088”]
And i see those “screaming white” new pieces of rock… ha, i remember not too long ago i had white ones in mine lOl

Those rocks did have some color at one point but I killed em and baked em outside.[/quote]

[quote=“saltcreep, post:34, topic:4088”]
How’s all the other coral doing besides the ones that were already hurting? You said that nice blue sps was fragged, and all brown also? any polyps coming out on it?

The blue sps is still brown. It shows a little green on some of it and some polpys. But most of the frags of it are not doing well.
The purple monti cap that is on the right side of the tank bleached in the old tank but it is coming back now alot of purple is coming back and polyps all over. even the gsp on that rock is coming back.
My superman and sunset monti’s are not looking to well right now either I am just praying they come back or I might have to frag them to save whats left.[/quote]
When I ran out of salt it messed up everything and I ordered salt and its been back ordered but they said I should have it this Friday so if I don’t get it I am going to the store and just buying another box of salt. I have not been able to do a water change in 3+ weeks. I usually do them weekly. I am still waiting on my DT live Copepods I ordered from DPA 2 weeks ago. After I do my water change this weekend I am adding the rest of the corals,clams,3 other fish so I can break the 2 20g tanks down.

Still got those angelfish for sale they need to go guys this weekend/ this coming up week. If I do not sell them I will just take them to the LFS.

The clownfish are loving the Sebae right now 1 of them lays in it all day keep thinking he is dead then he pops up and lays back down lol

Re-did all of my rockwork. What a pain in the @$$. A full day after I think I am done with the tank. Or atleats til I find something else I want verdict_in . Also went out and bought 2 new shelf rocks the 1 is pretty big it goes front to back with only a couple inches to spare. All of the corals and clams and the remaining fish are now in there new tank after I did around 20+gallon water change with red sea coral pro salt.

I will try to get pictures up tomorrow after everything settles and opens up.

Here are the new pictures… I only edited a couple. It is hard getting the colors right even in my photo program (zoombrowser for cannon)

This is my favorite SPS I have not sure its technical name yet.

full tank shot.

left side.

right side

actinic shots right side

actinic left side

Nice looking tank Jeff. Coming along nicely as well. I think your SPS might be GARF purple bonsai that I’ve been looking for. Does it purple up like the picture I included? Also, may I ask where did you get it? I’ve been forever looking for the GARF purple bonsai frag. I know they told me that frazerzoo has it but, I haven’t made it up there yet. Soon I hope.

I got it in that coral package from marchingband on the forums. Under the actinics it has a nice purple to it. During the day on 10k 250w halides it has a dark maroon/purplish look to it. The guy I got all of my sps from said a bunch of pieces were from Dr. Mac.

It looks like it by the shap of the coral and color of the polyps, but not certain. Good luck with it though. Wish it was in my tank. Thanks Jeff