JustSumGuy's 75g tank setup

Thanks. I sure hope it grows that is pretty expensive for such a small piece. It does look just like the Garf purple bonsia acro. I will probably sell some of the acro’s I kinda like the monti’s better and LPS better. Only thing I am not a fan of is the slow growth.

BTW my sunset monti seems to be coming back the superman I can’t tell yet.

If you ever decide to get rid of the acros, please let me know. Especially a frag of the purple bonsai.

[quote=“reefman66, post:42, topic:4088”]
If you ever decide to get rid of the acros, please let me know. Especially a frag of the purple bonsai.[/quote]

I will let people know when that time comes. The purple acro will never go unless it dies. But I may frag it after it grows a little or a lot LoL.

My Crocea clam decided it likes its new home and planted its little feet.

Got some slight problems now since I did my last water change. I noticed within a 1-2 days after my last water change that some of my corals do not seem to be happy. Now my Blastomuso which is sprouting new heads has also lost tissue in 3 heads. My green stag acro is bleaching and also losing tissue and the kryptonian chalice bleached and does not look as healthy my Sebae also looks weird and tanned but from what I read online it is not supposed to be a true white. I am also noticing alot of brown stuff in the tank I think is detritus.
I did notice for some reason the trashcan I use for my mixed salt water had a odd smell to it.I use a regular koralia pump to keep the water from going stagnent and a 200w heater. I could not explain the smell but it was kinda foul but after I would lift the pump and make it suck air into the water the smell mostly went away. Is there something in the black rubbermaid trashcans that chemically breaks down?

Has anyone else heard of this happening? Or know what it is actually caused by and what it does to the chemistry?

I tested
Calcium -400, Nitrite -0,Nitrate -0, Ammonia -.50 maybe .4, Phosphates -0, Magnesium 1350, Hardness -7to8.

I am doing 2-3 water changes a week atm 4-5gallons each. I am making a fresh batch of salt mix in my 7 gallon bucket.

I also had to raise my lighting since my fan I was using died. It is just 1 thing after another. My sps corals only looks good under the actinics the 10k bulbs I have make everything look ugly so hopefully in the next week or 2 I am getting 14k or 20k bulbs.
What are your take on 14 or 20k 250watt bulbs over a 75gallon? I was wondering if I could get away with 20k since I have such a high wattage. I know the higher the kelvin the lower the par.

I know that sometimes they spray the trashcans with those anti bacteria chemical, but i’m not sure what that will do to our aquarium, when I see it I don’t get it I find something else.

As for your water parameter how long has the ammonia been at that level? try to get that down to 0. ammonia KILLS!

your lights, how high are you hanging them? I have 250W with 20K over my 120DD with only 8 to 10 inches above my tank and all my light loving corals loves it. The higher the calvin rating on your bulbs the deeper penetration of the blue color. IMO 20K will be fine.

+1 on ammonia!!
am i correct in reading that the tank is only a few weeks out of its first cycling? or did i miss something, like everything came from another tank. if the tank was really just started last month, you are going way too fast! adding stuff that is delicate and needs established conditions can cause a young tank to go way out of balance even without off readings on test kits. hope i misread or missed something.

Last time I checked everything was 0. I also put about 2 tablespoons of live phyto every 3 days.
As for the anti bacterial spray I wonder if maybe that could be contributing to some problem. These were cheap cans from home depot.

As for the lighting I have them 9 1/2" above water level. I had them a little and everything was still doing ok but the fan died. and I noticed couple small spots bleaching.

Moliken- Most of the rock in the tank is from my other tanks. I would say the majority of my rock is from my established tanks and couple I got from other established tanks. Some rocks I ended up killing when I thought the fire worms( the red ones with the white spikes were bad. The dead rocks take up less then a 1/4 of my live rock. I used live Samoa sand. For some reason chemical wise my tank cycled fast though I know it still takes time. It just got to the point I had to move things and break down tanks. Everything was fine till the last water change I did.

I have noticed I have a good amphipod population I can see them all over the tank already and in the fuge and copepods.

Here is the update. 1 clownfish disappeared have no idea if it jumped out did not find it in the tank when I had to re-arrange everything because the convict blenny thought it would be good idea to dig all the sand out from under my rocks. So needless to say he has been kicked out and no sign of the clown. I think it might have hopped out and the cat ate it (she loves eating birds).

But everything has been doing well all corals are looking much better.

I ordered some new phoenix 250w 14k bulbs and thinking of getting some new t5 bulbs since I do not know the age of mine and was wondering which bulbs you guys would use to supplement the MH bulbs. I was looking into buying some giesseman bulbs since I have always heard good things. Just not sure on which spectrum of theirs to use.

I am planing on buying some more corals soon after I sell a car I am buying to fix.

im not sure about supplementing MH but as far as t-5s go i love my ATI Blue+ great color rendition and par output. just my :TWOCENTS

I second the ATI Blue + bulbs. They make your tank look great, and it seems to encourage thriving corals. The colors really “pop” as well, you really can’t go wrong with these bulbs. A few of these with an ATI Aquablue special would funcion AND look really well. I’ve seen a few member tanks and LFS tanks set up with these bulbs, and you can’t go wrong.

Wow, this looks like an advertisement . . . to clarify, I have no affiliation with ATI . . . lOl

Thanks for the info guys. Anyone have any take on the giesseman bulbs or something they feel is better for what I have?

If you looked at a tank set up with Giesmann Actinic bulbs and then a tank with ATI actinic bulbs you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference in my opinion. If you looked at the actinic T5 bulbs above my 75 and I told you to pick out the one that was different you may not even be able to. (the only reason I have a giesmann is they were out of stock of ATI when I was placing the order for my tank and I didn’t want to wait a couple of weeks when they were already a couple months over due needing to be replaced.)

48" 54W Actinic Plus T5 HO Fluorescent by Giesemann Our Price: $23.95
48" 54W Blue Plus T5 HO Fluorescent by ATI Our Price: $20.95

I haven’t looked at the Par readings from them in a long time, but strongly prefer the Aquablue Special from ATI and enjoy the cheaper price so I keep it consistent ATI, (when they’re in stock that is)

Are you using just actinic plus or a combination of actinic and actinic plus?

I am replacing 4 bulbs.

I am using to supplement 2 XM15k bulbs
2 Actinic + Plus Giesemann D&D Powerchrome T5 Bulbs
2 Pure Actinic Giesemann D&D Powerchrome T5 Bulbs

Haven’t tried ATI bulbs yet.

Wow typed something really long and because of the forums, “someone else posted” I lost it. I use all T5 bulbs.

Actinic is a general term for a bulb putting off predominantly in the blue spectrum.

I use from to back on my 75:
ATI Blue Plus
ATI Blue Plus
ATI AquaBlue Special
ATI Blue Plus
ATI AquaBlue Special
Giesmann Actinic Plus
ATI Blue Plus

Wanted a very blue appearance and wasn’t worried about growth rates because everything is already constantly growing into each other.

I would consider purchasing at least one ATI AquaBlue Special.

Thanks for the info guys. I will give it try I think with those ATI bulbs. maybe 2 actinic, 1 blue plus, 1aquablue special or 1 actinic, 2 blue plus, 1 aquablue special.

I am going for something in the middle of growth and the pop effect. I read some old articles after I searched the forums and found some good information. saw how some of the corals thrived in 10k some in 20k and some in t5’s seemed like the MH deff had better growth on both bulbs that was what made me decide on the 14k and seemed like everything I read people really like the phoenix bulbs.

Got my phoenix bulbs in yesterday. They look NICE! I like them better they don’t seem as bright but I guess that would be due to the kelvin being higher and par being lower due to the kelvin. I still got to pick up new fans I can the side of the tank so I can lower the light again the fan I was using died completely no chance of coming back. I will try and post some updated pictures soon.

[quote=“JustSumGuy, post:57, topic:4088”]
Got my phoenix bulbs in yesterday. They look NICE! I like them better they don’t seem as bright[/quote]

New MH bulbs will not seem as bright just out of the box. They actually need about 30 hours or so to “burn in” and get to their full brightness and true color.

Went to ECA today and got new geisemann bulbs. actinic+,fiji purple, pure actinic, actinic+ in that order. Really made a huge difference goes to show my t5’s were done. It was almost blinding lol.

Also my mother had to buy something for the tank since the coco worm did not make the transition well so now we have 2 spotted anthia’s male and female. They looked so much smaller in the store. I got them home and in the tank and they are almost as long as my rabbitfish and they glow so much prettier under my lighting then at the store ::thumbsup::. I hope to get new pictures up tomorrow.

Also plan on getting an auto top off unit. Think I might go with the jbj unit.

I am back from my Florida trip. The weather was so beautiful all week till Friday and Saturday came then it got real humid and just plain sticky out. Had a great time went to 2 fish stores down that were very nice. There stock was very organized well maintained nothing like I have seen up here. Got 7 corals but one of them prob will not make it since while it was put on hold another coral stung it pretty bad so the owner gave me another to replace it and let me keep it to try and see if it will come back.

Looks like my tank is doing ok. I noticed what I think is cyno on the sand in a 3" area. It looks like a red film or slime algae. My coraline seems to really be taking off some of the rocks that were bleach white have pink spots on them and other spots have really increased on how much you can see it.

I know it has been awhile since I posted new pictures up since I got the new bulbs so I will try and get some shops of the new stuff also soon.

Also I was talking to the people at the fish stores and we were talking about 2 part calcium dosing and Kalwasser so I think I am going to look into these and plan on going this route. I will prob call Rosti he always has the answers LoL.

Well off to fix the washing machine since some idiot that lives here does not know how to load it properly.