JustSumGuy's 75g tank setup

Looks great Jeff!

[quote=“moliken, post:80, topic:4088”]
do i count 6 clammies??[/quote]
If you counted 1 of my clams in you’re tank sure :slight_smile:

Thanks guys… It sure has been a work in progress. I really do not like my landscape a whole lot. The big cliff rock I have messes me up on the scaping. As many of aquarist come up with there is just not enough room in the tank haha.

the tank looks great.

watch that orange plate, mine puts out 3+ inch sweepers.

Wow I never seen one put those kind of sweepers out. The sweepers on mine only get about 1/4" long. But I think I seen some with about 1" sweepers at DPA not sure if they were the same genus/species.

Great pics ::thumbsup:: tanks looking good, cool coral, and very nice clams!

Thank you :BEER

Hey Moliken when are you giving me my clam back? clam burglar! ;D

So after our last meeting with the wavelengths presentation I have come to realize I only have 1 bulb that puts out 420nm. My 2 MH and 2 t5’s all do 450/460nm and one is a fiji pink/purple. In the meeting we were showed SanJays review on some of the MH bulbs 1 in particular being the Phoenix 14k bulbs peaking at the 450nm spectrum.

So I am thinking of changing out my t5 bulbs again. maybe 2/3 gieseman pure actinics and 1/2 gieseman actinic+. Any suggestions with this?

I might be willing to part with 1 or 2 but definitely the 1 fiji purple. The bulbs are only 4 months old I got them back in may. If someone is interested in the bulb for $13 or trade LMK.

So this evening we decided to google local fish stores in PA and ended up calling a lot of stores to find out they no longer sell saltwater fish. We got lucky after 5 places and got a “we sell saltwater fish here” answer so we went there. The store was decent some of the people were very nice I only had a problem with some Ahole that would rather watch the beagles play then answer some simple questions and get what I asked for. So I got 2 electric flame scallops at Captain Nemo’s in Norristown PA. Got super lucky as I was talking to a customer to find out they had a 50% off all live stock sale if you had the printed email from the mailing list and he hooked me up by letting me use his print out right after he paid for his order so I paid $26 for 2 scallops and a huge bag with atleast 2-3 tablespoons of live brine shrimp. They even had a tank with 3 little foxface 2 one spots and 1 no spot. First time ever seeing more then 1 in a tank. They also had a huge tank over 8’+ tall and prob around 10’+ wide circle in the middle of the fish section with a 4-5foot black tip shark. Looked like a tank ATM would build with the reef insert.

I dripped them for an hour and half and burped them after putting them in and so far they are opened up just not sparking like at the store or like they did in the bag when they started to open up. Can’t wait to see them sparking. I only fear how much food they need to be fed and hope they stay in open area’s that I can see and feed them.

Did your research scallops before buying ?
The survival record of flame scallops in captivity has traditionally been extremely poor.
They also have a habit of jetting around braking anything that is in its way.

yes, all the flame scallops i bought long ago ended up behind the rocks and died. they dont like being out in the open.

I did research them a while back and did some more research last night. The one guy I was able to get some answers was saying if I had clams and they were doing good that the scallops should be fine. But after more fine print reading I see that is not the case. I am going to buy a bottle of live phyto soon but for now I am feeding them reef snow,phytoplex, frozen baby brine shrimp eggs i think its called and cyclopeze.

I was disappointed that nighttime you can not see the sparks only if I shine a dull light on them I can.
They did move a little today they stayed toward the front just borrowed a little under a couple rocks. If they try to hide I will move them under the ledge piece I have. I hope I can make these guys live longer then what I have seen others.

Good luck I have always wanted to try them but heard they are easy then they are impossible. If you have success please share your technique. I always avoided clams. But I got over that after seeing Pauls clams, I never really looked at clams on forums then to find he was so close I figured I had help around the corner. ::thinking::

I have read of a few tricks. One is to cap the scallop( cut the top of a water bottle and put it over the scallop and spot feed inside the neck for the scallop to eat. other is to spot feed in the direction the water is flowing to them.

The scallops have moved into hiding and from everything I have read this is more then likely going to be a bad thing. Most seem to die without there spot feedings. So we shall see wish the best for them guys…

I also have a new project to complete this week before my sons party next Saturday I need to build a makeshift canopy. So I have an idea of a canopy and have it to where the light fixture is the top possible 2 access doors in the front and maybe 1 in the back by the over flow. My other idea I am pondering is putting sheets of aluminum on the sides to reflect light back into the tank that would normally not reflect of the wood sides. And of course 2 big holes on the sides 1 for the fan other just open for the hot air to blow out. Maybe put a screen up to block fish from jumping out of the open side. I think I am just going with 1"x pine and paint it black to match the stand. I have a really good table saw to make ease of the job and a nail gun I just love to use mwahahahaha…

Pictures will come after I build and feel good enough about it. Wish I had a radial arm saw to make ease of a ledge for the light to actually sit in.

Just placed my order with http://reefcleaners.org yesterday and will be shipped Tuesday :slight_smile:
I got the
quick crew (75g)
Ulva sea lettuce
Penny Macro Algae Just a random algae they give you for a penny :slight_smile:
Red Gracilaria

I am in need of a proper crew so I finally broke down and decided to try em out. I remember Rosti posting about them before and said they were a good source.

Also found out DT’s did not go out of business but supposedly are moving shop. You can still get live copepods and phyto from reeds mariculture. I will be placing a order with them soon to.

I am also debating adding another tank into my display setup as a 2nd display or as a extra fuge since my fuge space seems so small for everything. How hard is it to piggy back a tank on the side of the display or behind the fuge at the same heights? Not sure the best way to do this to keep the water levels even without drilling. My empty 30g tank has 1 bulkhead in it in the back near the bottom. My 20g tank which is in service has no holes. I still have my sump with overflow kit since I had a buyer back out.

Make sure you give us a review when your order comes…

and the tanks… same height, no drilling? how much water flow would you think? and do they need to be exactly the same height? an inch or two would make all the difference, just depends on the flow rate i guess, just whenever gravity isn’t helping out, it makes me nervous ( one too many beatings over a wet floor i guess) ::rofl::

I will give a review when I get my order in. They are shipping it usps priority which I am surprised that they do that with inverts and not mandatory over night. Some stuff on there site is mandatory overnight like hermits and starfish. I will also be placing my order more then likely this week from reeds mariculture. Just waiting to sell another car this week thats ready to go :slight_smile:

I could go with higher or lower. I don’t want water on the floor obviously so not sure the best way to try and attempt this. I would prefer to use my 30g tank since I do have a 4 bulb t5 for it. I assume I would have to use 1 over flow if I connected this to my display. I would have to buy a bigger sump pump and add a Y fitting to have it flow into both tanks and both drain into the main fuge. same if I use it as added fuge correct?

come up with a plan yet Jeff?

No solid plan yet but here is a idea I came up with.

On the 30gallon tank I already have 1 bulk head I would need to drill one more. The first acrylic section I would cut out a big rectangle as to have more water flow in the middle of the fuge rather then just the surface. Second would be a little lower with some crating to keep algae from going into the second tank. Or maybe skip this? since I am only going into another fuge tank. The 20gallon fuge is already in place and I don’t want to disturb the life in it because we now have 2 mandarins.

One of the issues I can’t seem to get past is how I would do this to the point I would not need to turn the pump off to do water changes. I would prefer just to have a 4’ wide tank at the bottom and eliminate the need for so much. My current stand could not handle a 4’ wide tank unless it was a custom size which comes with a custom price :stuck_out_tongue: I am to afraid of making a tank myself and failing. I can do anything to a car but when it involved my little ocean I don’t want to take that chance.

I am open to any idea’s and suggestions so please post them.

Picked up what I believe is a strawberry/lemonade acro. Nice pink body with yellow tips Got a picture not the best I dipped it so it is a little stressed